我呀往往都是随意的, 将它加盐加蛋的胡乱地, 炒成一碟最为普遍的家常炒饭。
早餐就靠它了, 就这一小碗的冷饭,
来给不一样的pattern, 不一样的早餐,
花点心思, 让孩子们有所惊喜, 从惊喜中迎接这美丽的早晨吧!
【饭丸, 可做13粒饭丸】
8条四季豆/乌龟豆, 切丁
3 片火鸡腿, 切成小方块
2条青葱。 切成丁
2 粒鸡蛋
2 茶匙盐, 1/4茶匙黄糖, 适量胡椒粉
美乃滋, 章鱼烧酱, 柴鱼丝
1. 四季豆洗净, 去掉前后蒂头,去老筋并切成丁。
2. 将鸡蛋打散, 倒入米饭中, 搅拌均匀。
3. 在米饭中, 加入四季豆, 拌入一半的火腿块, 青葱粒和调味料再次拌匀。
4. 在章鱼烧烤模涂上一层油,并以大火加热后,转中火,然后舀入米饭混合物至满。
5. 加入适量火腿, 撒入少许青葱粒, 然后再加入一些米饭混合物。
6. 最后将饭团翻身, 不够米饭的就加米饭混合物, 把周围所有材料都往塞入模具里。
7. 上色后, 继续把丸子翻翻身, 待丸子呈现均匀后即可盛起。
8. 配搭美乃滋, 章鱼烧酱, 撒上柴鱼丝即可享用。 (我家的大小丫头不爱章鱼烧酱, 所以不敢乱乱配上以上的酱料来拍摄, 只有3粒是最后才挤上的, 嘻嘻)
** 若果家里没有章鱼烧烤模, 亦可采用平底锅, 将米饭混合物搓圆压扁, 煎成金黄色即可。
【Rice Ball with Ham, yields 13 balls】
280g cooked rice
8 green beans, diced
3 slices of ham, cut into small squares
2 spring onion, diced
2 eggs
1+1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp brown sugar, pepper
【Decorative sauce】
mayonnaise , tokayaki sauce, katsuobushi/fish flake
1. Wash the beans, trim the ends and diced。
2. Beat the eggs and mix into the cooked rice, mix well.
3. In the rice bowl, add green beans, mix in half portion of ham, spring onion and seasonings and mix to combine.
4. Heat the takoyaki pan over medium heat, brush with oil on all the holes, until the oil begins to smoke. Then, spoon the rice mixture to fill the holes of the pan until full.
5. Drop ham pieces, spring onion in the batter in each hole and fill with rice mixture.
6. Cook at medium heat for 1-2 minutes and turn over using a takoyaki turner or skewers. Stuffing in the edges as you are turning.
7. Cook for another 3-4 minutes, keep turning constantly so each piece will have nice round shape. Dish up until the ball get even brown color.
8. Transfer the rice balls onto a plate and pour takoyaki sauce, mayonnaise. Finish the dish by sprinkling the katsuobushi and serve hot.
** If you do not have takoyaki pan at home, you may replace it with saucepan. Flatten the rice balls and fried until the rice balls become gold in color.