Showing posts with label Crazy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crazy. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Shoplifting Causes Stress

Today, after I dropped Callie off at school, Micah and I went to Target.  It was going to be a simple visit to get some more big plastic storage bins.  I'm really OCD about the kind of bin I want, and for whatever reason, I can only find these at Target.

As frequently happens at Target (and Costco), I was completely distracted by all the things I still needed to buy and all that Target could provide for me.  Thank you Target.  I perused the aisles and bought some groceries, a skirt, a workout shirt, paper towels...the list goes on.  Needless to say, the cart was rather full.

I went to buy my things and there were only TWO check-outs open.  That was frustrating, but it was ok because it gave me time to think twice about some of my "unnecessary" purchases.  But, it also gave me plenty of time to justify those...necessary...purchases.  I noticed the young man in front of me.  He was, oh, I don't know...maybe in his 20's.  He was nice looking, well, actually, I noticed he was quite good looking.  Really nicely dressed.  Tall.  He actually reminded me of a much taller, slightly darker, version of Usher.  Not bad, right?  He stepped out of line to look at the gum.  And because I'm so kind, I held his spot for him.  He thanked me.

And then, something unusual happened.

He seemed to just kind of not be in line, but then be in line.  I can't explain it.  It was odd, but whatever.  To each his own.  I thought he may be wondering if the line was worth the purchase.  He was holding black pants under his arm as he waited.

And then, he just walked away.

I kept watching him.  It was just too odd.

He walked passed the sensors, and they didn't go off.  Then out the door.

As he was walking out the door, I said to the cashier, "Um, that man didn't pay for those pants, and he's walking out the door."

She looked up as she was scanning, "What?"

Then the woman next to me said, "Yeah, I saw him.  I think he's shoplifting."  

She wasn't acting fast enough, so 2 Target associates who were passing by, I grabbed and said, "A man just walked out the store without buying the things he had in hand.  He was right in front of me."  My heart was racing and I began to shake -- not noticeably to others, but I was really shaken.  WHY WERE THEY NOT RUNNING?  Why didn't I run?

They got on their walkie-talkies and then we saw a few guys run out.

They never got him.  It was too late.

As I was walking to my car, I had so many questions and thoughts....

* Why didn't I say something sooner?  Well, because I wasn't sure if he was really going to steal it or not, and I didn't want to look like an idiot if he was just going to the elevators.
* Why didn't I stop what I was doing to go after him myself?  I had a lot of reasons for that.
* Why did that guy even steal it?
* Did he know I was watching him and figured he was just going to do it anyway?
* Was he as stressed out as I was, or did he get some high from the thrill?  Because I was totally stressed out for hours after.
* Why didn't the dang Target employees act faster?!  grrr
*  And why didn't the woman next to me, when she said she saw him too, not say anything?
* Stealing in this city must be so much easier since they got rid of plastic bags.  I know it sounds silly, but if you don't have a bag, people just carry out their purchase in their hand, under their arm, whatever....just like this guy did.  And no one thinks twice.

* Why did I come to Target?  Oh yes, to buy the plastic bins....that never made it into my cart.  In fact, I didn't even get to that aisle today.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Poor Baby

I'm so far behind and I really don't even know where to start.  So, I will start with today...and work backwards.

Today, I took Micah to the doctor.  And, as I was waiting in line to be checked-in, a man leaned over and said to his wife, "Look at that poor baby."  I looked at the man, and we both smiled.  Why is Micah a poor baby?  I mean, look at him?  He's adorable!  He clearly is happy, well-fed, and well-dressed.

But, maybe he was referring to this?

Ah, yes.  The casts.  On an almost 4 month old.  Ugh, look at those cute little toes!  And that smile, as if there's nothing the matter in the world.  And he's playing with his fingers in typical Micah fashion.  But yes, he is in casts that cover his ENTIRE leg.  BOTH of them.  And, what is the story behind it all?

When Micah was born, he was the picture of health.  Still is.  The only "issue" (and believe me, issues are much different now in my book after life with Samantha) is that his feet has some malformation.  Yes, the pediatrician told me his feet were deformed -- a tad pigeon toed.  He gave us some massages to do on his feet, and when we had our next pediatrician appointment, his feet had improved.  Still, the good 'ole doc suggested we meet with a pediatric orthopedist, just to make sure.

Yesterday, I met with Dr. Godly.  He's the "baby bone" doctor and the head of the department.  He ruled our club foot and said Micah had a mild case of yadda yadda yadda yup.  I have no recollection of what he said.  But, the main this was he said it was pretty mild.  If it was never corrected, in adulthood he'd probably have a harder time finding shoes that were comfortable...things like that.  We're not talking about anything too life altering.  He then said, "It's really an easy fix, though, and now would be the time to do it.  I'd recommend it, but it's up to you."  My mind flashed 13 years.  Shopping.  At the 4th shoe store.  Yep, let's get this taken care of.  No.  In all seriousness, after Samantha -- for a couple years, Sammy only wore her braces when she was wearing long pants because I didn't want people to see obviously (I'm still ashamed about that) -- 3 weeks in casts?  I thought it would be a good thing to take care of any potential problem NOW to help insure he doesn't have problems or discomfort in the future.  (Sidenote: Micah is asleep right now, head on my shoulder, and he's laughing...out loud.  How cute is that?!)  I can't take away all his future problems, but I can try.  And for now, it starts at his feet.

I had no idea, however, that these casts were going to go up the entire leg!  I called Marcus before they did the casting just to confirm he felt the same way I did...and then within seconds of hanging up the phone, Micah's foot was being wrapped up.  He was smiling and so compliant.  So typical.  Everyone is the room came over and mentioned how good he was doing, how adorable he is...all the stuff that makes a mama feel proud.  Anyway.  The casts are just for his foot, to straighten them out, but they need to cast the entire leg because they have found, with infants, the casts come off unless it's up the entire leg.  Bummer.  I went out to Walmart and bought a couple pair of 18 month pants that he's been sportin' for the past 2 days.

Last night the one cast already started to separate a bit.  So, I had to go back in today and they fixed it right up.  It's a pain.  It is.  But, worse things could happen.

The casts will come off January 31.  As much of a trooper as he is, they are uncomfortable, I'm sure, and he wants to be held more...and my back is killing me.  So, we're happily counting down the days!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cool or Creepy?

I saw this article today, and I don't just seems a little weird to me.  I see flashes of Will Smith fighting off out of control "friendly" robots.  hmmm  Conceptually, it's pretty cool, but overall, I felt creeped out. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Big Brother

I was uploading pictures from our camera...which I haven't done in a really long time. Yes, this is from back in Michigan. I remember seeing these on the camera...thought they were cute...then once they were up on the computer I saw the huge eyes in the background. do do do do do do do do do do do do doooo freaky


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