Friday, January 16, 2009

Finally Friday

Yippee! It's Friday and that means I have made it through the first week of Hadley in daycare, and the first week back to work. This week was long and very tiring, and included quite a few tears, but we made it and will do it all again next week. One thing this week has taught me is to enjoy every single minute I have with Hadley. This weekend I plan to do a lot of loving on and playing with my Hadley to make up for lost time during the week!

On Monday Hadley goes to the doctor for his 2 month checkup - which means 2 month shots (yuck!). I will update again then with his stats. Until then, enjoy some more pictures of my little cutie!


Heather said...

The two month shots weren't too bad. Emily just wasn't real excited about the rotavirus vaccine which is oral! It's really sweet and sticky and got all over everything. She did sleep VERY well all day that day though!

Jennifer Vinson said...

Cute, cute pics!! He looks so alert and sweet!

amandaautismx2 said...

I really like the last picture of this post. He just loves his daddy so much. The look in his eyes are filled with a sense of security. Have a great day sis.