Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Everybody Poops

Disclaimer: The following entry is all about poop. Consider yourself warned and read at your own risk.

As some of you know, we have had a slight issue with pooping since Hadley was about two weeks old. That issue being - he didn't go on his own. However, I am elated to announce that as of yesterday (Hadley's 10 week birthday, by the way) we now have a self-pooping baby!!! Yippee!! Yahoo!! There was much celebration and excitement at our house yesterday after said event. We even baked a cake to celebrate the occasion. And to confirm the fact that yesterday wasn't just a one time event, he did it again today! I didn't think I would ever be so excited to see poop!

Below Hadley is demonstrating the expression we all carried around all day yesterday.