Tomorrow is the day I have been dreading since November 18...or really since the day I found out I was pregnant. I have to trust someone else to take care of my baby while I go to work. I know that mothers deal with this every day, but I just can't get past the thought that no one can take care of him like I can. So, tomorrow I'm sure a lot of tears will be shed (or I should say MORE tears will be's already started!), and I will probably not accomplish anything at work. And maybe each day will get a little easier, but right now all I am thinking about is tomorrow.
My sweet baby...
I know exactly how you feel! While I didn't go back to work, we just left Emily in the nursery at church for the first time last week, and she's 7 months old! (Of course, we've only been going to that church for a couple months, but still!) I can't imagine having to go back to work. Good luck!
Mandy - it is hard and you are right no one can take care of him like you but he will be fine. I know that you and Eric have worked hard to find just the right person to care for him and then - you will get home and hold him tight.
I will say a special prayer for you tomorrow - also remember that Jesus loves Hadley even more than you and He will be with him all day long.
I am sorry. It will be ok. So, how did it go?
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