Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Everybody Poops

Disclaimer: The following entry is all about poop. Consider yourself warned and read at your own risk.

As some of you know, we have had a slight issue with pooping since Hadley was about two weeks old. That issue being - he didn't go on his own. However, I am elated to announce that as of yesterday (Hadley's 10 week birthday, by the way) we now have a self-pooping baby!!! Yippee!! Yahoo!! There was much celebration and excitement at our house yesterday after said event. We even baked a cake to celebrate the occasion. And to confirm the fact that yesterday wasn't just a one time event, he did it again today! I didn't think I would ever be so excited to see poop!

Below Hadley is demonstrating the expression we all carried around all day yesterday.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mr. Pig

Hadley's newest favorite toy (or maybe it's Mommy & Daddy's favorite!).

Giddy up!

I've got you just where I want you now, Mr. Pig!

Surrender, Mr. Pig, or I'll be forced to give you big hugs and drool all over you.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I have been informed by Mr. Hadley that he is not a fan of needles and/or shots! (Big surprise there!) Yesterday he had his 2 month immunizations which included three shots. Ouchy!! He let everyone know of his dislike, and actually spent the remainder of the day making sure I was aware of his discomfort and his annoyance at having been stuck (3 times). However, this morning he seemed to have forgotten the happenings of yesterday, so maybe he isn't upset with me anymore.

According to the nurses' measurements:

Weight: 11.11 pounds
Height: 22.5 inches

He is around the 50th percentile for this weight and height, and around 75% for his head circumference. (He already has the big head - probably because of how cute he is!)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

2 Months

Hadley is 2 months old today! I can't believe it's already been that long! Check out the difference a month makes here!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Finally Friday

Yippee! It's Friday and that means I have made it through the first week of Hadley in daycare, and the first week back to work. This week was long and very tiring, and included quite a few tears, but we made it and will do it all again next week. One thing this week has taught me is to enjoy every single minute I have with Hadley. This weekend I plan to do a lot of loving on and playing with my Hadley to make up for lost time during the week!

On Monday Hadley goes to the doctor for his 2 month checkup - which means 2 month shots (yuck!). I will update again then with his stats. Until then, enjoy some more pictures of my little cutie!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Tomorrow is the day I have been dreading since November 18...or really since the day I found out I was pregnant. I have to trust someone else to take care of my baby while I go to work. I know that mothers deal with this every day, but I just can't get past the thought that no one can take care of him like I can. So, tomorrow I'm sure a lot of tears will be shed (or I should say MORE tears will be's already started!), and I will probably not accomplish anything at work. And maybe each day will get a little easier, but right now all I am thinking about is tomorrow.

My sweet baby...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Nanny and Papo

Hadley's Nanny and Papo came to visit us this week. We had a fun visit with them and I know they enjoyed loving on Hadley.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hadley's Daddy

This post is going to be about a different subject than the last several...Hadley's Daddy. From the day Hadley was born I have been completely mesmerized by watching Eric with him. I have seen a totally new side of Eric that has made me fall even more in love with him than I was before. He loves Hadley so much, and shows it in ways I could have never imagined before. I absolutely love watching them together, and I love listening to Eric talk to him. There have been many times already when I didn't know what to do with Hadley and Eric takes him and can soothe him and quiet him when he is upset. He is so gentle and loving with him. I am so excited about the relationship that they are building already. My two guys are the absolute best and I am so blessed to have both of them in my life!