Happy Shop Small Saturday! I love this day of the year when it comes to shopping and the melee that ensues around Black Friday - I do not partake!
I do all of my shopping online and even when it comes to Shop Small Saturday, I do my shopping online. Why? Because I live in a rural area and don't like going into town unless it's mandatory. Also because I have such a mega commute for work, I just don't drive if I don't have to.
So today on Shop Small Saturday - look for this blue sticker and help support the dreams of someone working a small business!
And - please consider ordering online from businesses that have been affected by the wildfires in California, like Neptune's Net. Oh how I love to eat here! When I leave work in Burbank, if at all possible, I drive over the wine country hills of Calabassas through the canyon and down to the beautiful Pacific ocean and then turn right, go up the PCH about 5 miles and look to the right.
There is Neptune's Net, a small family owned eatery that has been there for decades. Until now - the building is still there though they are without power! The wildfire came right up to the edge of their building yet they were spared! If you could, would you order something from their website? A gift card, key chain, tshirt, anything will help! It keeps them in business while APS is working to get the power back on.
Use this link here https://neptunesnet.com/products
Consider shopping J Paul Skincare online and get a big discount while also supporting an independent family owned business! I've tried the skincare and love the shave cream filled triple blade razor for travel!
This holiday weekend, instead of buying the separate $47 personal one on one makeup lesson, get it free this weekend only when you shop small!