Showing posts with label last minute Christmas gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label last minute Christmas gift. Show all posts

Monday, December 10, 2018

Holiday Sets for the Perfume Lover Are Here! | Wild Spirit Fragrances Holiday Collection

 Hi ya Gorgeous!
December is quickly moving to the middle of the month and this Saturday is the second busiest shopping day of the year because it's the one before Christmas!

I finally have all of my shopping done and I'm lovin' the surprises that I have in store for my cub.
Now some gifts for me! I am a fragrance lover! I usually wear a few different scents in a single day! Morning - noon - night, either relaxing or spicy for going out.  How about you?

Now something to know - not all fragrances are created equal. These days, so many of the scents you buy are synthetic and contain some naughty ingredients. Though, I met this brand back in the spring and I'm super in love with their commitment to a healthy scent, it's ability to be layered and their brand respect for the environment. Essentially - you have got to get this for yourself and a friend, a loved one and maybe even someone on your naughty list to help sweeten them up!

To add to the fun and enjoyment, this high end fragrance is easily available at Walmart stores and and the Christmas gift pack has a little bit of everything for you plus a sneak peek at the new rose fragrance coming out in spring 2019.  What are you waiting for ! Get to gettin' the good stuff from Wild Spirit Fragrances!  The video is from the set the brand sent me months ago with the sneak peek into what was coming for holiday and then these photos are from today in my local Walmart. 

Thanks for watching! If you could, would you take a moment and subscribe with a bell ding please? Thanks! You may think it's too early for a holiday post - but no - actually it's not. Why you say? Because the clock is ticking! The days from here on to the first week of January are going to go by fast and fill up - so, start on that shopping list!

Now, this brand is a new best favorite of mine. It's a healthy fragrance with no funky stuff in it, like phtalates and parabens! It is made in the USA and easily available at Walmart and The base of these scents are essential oils. You can wear one, or mix and match. Fragrance is the ultimate accessory! This video shows you the upcoming holiday gift package that is going to be in stores soon.

So watch the video and then get ready to find in stores!

 Learn more about the brand here:

Music: Be Mine Tonight by Andrew Kopacz Get yours here:
(*He scored my recent short film THIRSTY starring Leah Nead as Ebba.
Watch on Amazon:


TWITTER @Cherelynn

NOTE: I received this as a gift from the brand

Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!

Friday, December 22, 2017

Last minute beauty lover gifts with Essence Cosmetics new products!

Hi ya Gorgeous!

There are only a few days left til Christmas and if you have not picked out the gifts for your beauty lover, these new colors and products from Essence Cosmetics are perfect for present toppers and stocking stuffers!

I'm loving that the "highlight/contour game has finally evolved in products to include other colors and shades, such as the peach and pink sets from Essence Cosmetics!

These are highly pigmented and a little bit of product goes a long way! I like applying mine over my face setting powder for a smoother application and more even distribution of the color.

Lip glosses are $2.99 on Blush play sculpting palettes are $5.99

The new 2018 Color of the Year as described from Pantone is included in this video via a new lip gloss from essence cosmetics!

 Remember: you are beautiful! Thank you for visiting the blog and check back for promotions and beauty giveaways!