I've been busy on campus, but here is the short version of 2 movie reviews:
"Daybreakers"Fun little vampire flick that has a creative twist on the genre -- that doesn't involve sparkly epidermis and mopey emo teenagers. It has elements of "The Matrix" and zombie apocalypse, and it presents a fascinating vision of a world filled with vampires as the dominant species. I give the flick a good solid B, though if you don't like lots of theatrical blood, you won't like this. I, on the other hand, tend to laugh rather than scream. Ethan Hawke and Willem Dafoe star, along with Sam Neill as the villain. Come on,
Sam Neill is an evil corporate vampire. That alone should be reason to see this thing! Plus 3 words: Vampire. Feeding. Frenzy.
"Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief"An amusing little flick with a ponderous title, "Percy Jackson" isn't great, but it's colorful entertainment for a gloomy wintry February. I liked it despite its flaws, of which it has plenty, but what it does right is pretty diverting. I'm talking about Uma Thurman as a fabulous Medusa, some fun twists and mythological references, and Pierce Brosnan as Chiron the teacher-centaur. Come on,
Pierce Brosnan is a centaur. That alone should be reason to see this thing! Plus the always excellent Sean Bean as Zeus and the delicious Kevin McKidd as Poseidon. (In all honesty, I went to see these guys, not Logan Lerman and his teenaged posse on a quest.) There's a vibe of "National Treasure" meets Greek mythology, though clearly someone hasn't figured out that Athena is famously a virgin goddess. B- overall.
(Oh, and one more thing: the movie makes one laugh-out-loud stupid line of dialogue that hints Obama is a demigod. HA! Really? Who's his divine parent? The god of deficits?)
Bad hair day.