Showing posts with label Taiwanese news animation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taiwanese news animation. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Taiwanese News Animators vs. Sequester Fearmongering

Gentle reader, in this nightmarish post-sequester hellhole wrought by 2.3% budget cuts, I have taken a minute from cannibalizing my neighbors, burning books to keep from freezing to death, dodging airplanes plummeting from the sky, and fighting off zombies in order to bring you this hilarious video:

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Taiwanese News Animators Vs. Disney + Star Wars

Yesterday the Internet blew up with the news that Disney had acquired the Star Wars universe from George Lucas for $4 billion and announced that a new Star Wars movie, Episode 7, will arrive in 2015.  (As for whether this is a trick or a treat, the fanboy civil wars are in full swing.)  Today the glorious Taiwanese news animators have come up with a response:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

LOL: Taiwanese News Animators Vs. Debate #2

Though I take issue with their giving the win to Obama, I am delighted that they explicitly called out dipstick du jour Candy Crowley for screwing up her interference on the Libya question. Still ... you include Romney's "binders full of women" but not Obama's "gangbangers"?  Come on.  (Oh, you may recall the hilarious animation for the first debate and for the VP showdown.)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Taiwanese News Animators Vs. Ryan Gosling

Two of my favorite online amusements collide.  And Ryan's invaded Taiwan.  Oh, dear. I hadn't even thought about how to say "Hey girl" in Mandarin before this.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Taiwanese News Animators Vs. NY Times Op-Ed

I won't bother discussing this now-infamously disgusting and contemptible New York Times opinion piece that advocates literally selling out Taiwan (you can read this takethis by a law professor, Business Insider's response, Foreign Policy's first reply, and the Atlantic wondering if this is some kind of sick joke), but I will give you the Taiwanese news animators' riposte.  Their blurb is hilarious even before the video begins and gives that opinion piece the mockery it deserves:
"Commie pandas must have slipped something into the water cooler at the New York Times yesterday, because the paper ran a shockingly ignorant and naïve op-ed suggesting that the US sell out Taiwan to China if Beijing would write off the US$1.14 trillion in American debt it currently holds."
As for the video, here it is:

UPDATE: A bad joke?

Friday, January 07, 2011

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Life Imitates Iowahawk, and the Taiwanese News Animators Are There

I just didn't know what to say about last week's tidal wave of lunacy in Washington, so I ended up not posting on any of it -- especially since it's exam time on campus.  

But now in retrospect, what a weird week it was!  From Obama's peevish lashing out at everybody at that presser (and how un-presidential is it to call the opposition party "hostage-takers"?  so much for post-partisan politics, though we've never heard anything this blatantly hostile -- hey, CHANGE!) ... to goofy, elderly Vermont socialist senator Bernie Sanders ranting for 8 hours (somebody give him some Jimmy Stewart DVDs and send him home!) ... to the total unbelievability of Obama's other presser with Bill Clinton -- if we can even call it Obama's, since he bailed not five minutes into it and left us all the spectacle of Slick Willie pontificating at the podium as in years of yore.  (See this snark.)  I practically got whiplash with deja-vu.  Well, if nothing else it was a press conference that was -- for once -- worth watching.

The whole incident looked horrible ... and isn't most of public relations about "optics"?  And, possibly worst of all, Clinton looked and acted presidential, calm, confident, warm.  Obama didn't.  Truman's adage about the heat and the kitchen proved true again in spectacularly public fashion.  Obama's turning into the Incredible Shrinking President.  In fact, he's shrunk so much he literally became the President Who Wasn't There.  He used his wife and a Christmas party as his excuse and fled the press conference.  I'd never seen anything remotely like this.  It was weird.  It was embarrassing.  

So I leave you with two thoughts:
  1. The whole thing reminded me of this prescient satire by Iowahawk from way back in 2008.  Iowahawk, we are not worthy!
  2. You have GOT to see this new cartoon by those brilliant Taiwanese news animators.  It just hit YouTube yesterday.  Check out the Clinton version of the Bat Signal!  The first time I saw this video, I laughed out loud.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Confucius Say, What a Bunch of Idiots

Whatever.  It's a cheap Chinese knockoff of the Nobel Peace Prize, which is in itself funny enough.  Even better, maybe, is discrediting yourself by nominating that old fossil Lien Chan.  (Oh, see a related post.)  As for the Confucius Prize, the now-famous Taiwanese news animators have a field day.  Enjoy!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Fun Video + Quirky Asia Files: Hilarious Taiwanese News Cartoons Go Viral

I love these cheeky animators and am delighted to see that they're gaining an international audience!  I embed my  absolute favorite cartoon so far.  (All I'm going to say is: lightsaber smackdown between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs!)  Here's the original video, but I figured we could all use some subtitles: