Showing posts with label Kitchen Notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kitchen Notes. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Great Moments in Research: Recipe Substitutions

So this is what researchers from Harvard, the University of Michigan, and the University of Bologna (Italy -- no lunch meat jokes, please) have been doing.  I suppose you could classify this as applied chemistry?  Oh, here's the full academic article as PDF via the Cornell University Library.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

William Shatner in "Eat, Fry, Love"

Shatner and State Farm have a delightfully funny but effective cautionary tale about frying turkeys and being careful.  More here.  Have a happy (and safe!) Thanksgiving, everyone!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Kitchen Notes: Sushi

For fellow sushiphiles La Parisienne, Count Chocula, and Alessandra: a glance at our favorite noms.  Oh, and on the business about wasabi and soy sauce: I've seen people here and in Taiwan do it both ways, and nobody seems to care one way or another ... as long as you're happy gobbling down those yummy, yummy sea kittens raw.  Your humble blog hostess prefers salmon, eel, and tuna, though she's never turned down any kind of sushi or sashimi.  

Oh -- for the record, the Cine-Sib and I think California rolls are for sushi sissies.  They're still yummy, though, and a great "starter" sushi.  I will confess to trying to gross out sushi neophytes, though, if I'm in a mischievous mood and think they need to have their cage rattled in the name of culinary-cultural education.  "Hey, wanna try some of my octopus?"  "Ewwwwww!"

Monday, July 04, 2011

You Go, Grill: Sriracha Pineapple Grilled Chicken

Patriotism can be hungry work on this playful holiday!  Come on, it's the Fourth, when millions of happy, hungry Americans engage in the glorious pastime of the backyard cookout!  May I suggest this unusual recipe for grilled chicken?  Teriyaki marinated grilled steak is also really, really good -- not to mention so easy that you really don't need a recipe.  Dessert is fireworks, natch.