Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts
Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Video: Empties #13!

When I've been away for a while and not sure how to get back into the creative flow of blogging/youtubing then an empties video is a great way to get back into it. This one is pretty big, covering everything from bodycare, make up and skincare too. 

Please like and subscribe if you enjoyed it! xxx
Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Video: Sephora Haul + lots more!

I was lucky enough to spend a gloriously sunny weekend in Paris a few weeks ago to visit my French bestie/twin. It was amazing to be reunited and we packed the weekend with lots of touristy things as well as getting to visit and know all the best hidden places that only a local can show you. Of course, my first stop was Sephora when I arrived, however I feel like I was pretty self-restrained! This haul video features all the stuff I picked up there, plus a few bits from the French Pharmacie, Look Fantastic once I got back and finally a present from my sister which she picked up from a US Sephora (any guesses what brand??)

Hope you enjoy the video, I know I haven't been around these parts too much (work/summer/life has once again got in the way). If you do, I would love it if you liked and subscribed xxx

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Video: April Book Haul 2016

Today's post is a little different to what I normally talk about on my blog, but as the name of this space is Little Miss Lifestyle, it means that I have lots of other things I love to do other than beauty! This video is a quick wrap up of the books I've recently purchased and are on my 'to read' list! Be sure to follow my Goodreads account to see my progress! 

What is your current read? xxx

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Video: March Favourites 2016

Hi guys, hope you have had a lovely weekend. Today has been my only day of the weekend that I have been able to relax as I had to go to the office and work yesterday! I spent today filming videos, blogging and reading which has been really fun. Today's video is the first I have filmed with my soft box lighting so I'm hoping the quality is a lot better. As I mentioned in the video, I am hoping that now I have purchased these lights I will have much more flexibility to take pictures and film and in turn be able to post more. 

I hope you enjoy the video, and let me know what you have been loving this month! xxx
Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Video: January Favourites | 2016

A round up of my favourite products during the first month of the year, including my birthday, make up, skin care and fashion! As always, please do subscribe to my channel and/or like the video if you enjoyed. A lot of the products I enjoyed during the video I will be popping up in depth reviews of on the blog, so keep an eye out for those!

What are your favourite products from January? xxx

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Video: Added Extras #3 | My Evening Pamper Routine

Normally these types of posts are blog posts, but as I was having a pamper evening last night, I thought it would be fun to film a different type of video than I normally do (a chatty sit down). It took me ages to film but is actually my shortest video ever haha, so I totally appreciate the amount of work it goes into videos like this!

I hope you enjoy this different style of video - please subscribe to my channel if you do. And if you have any other video suggestions let me know :) xxx

Sunday, 27 September 2015

VIDEO: What's In My Shower 2015

Last week I popped up a new video, featuring the current products I'm using in the shower ranging from body care through to hair care and tanning. I love these types of videos, so I hope you enjoy taking a peek into what I'm using at the moment. There are a few favourites but also a few disappointing products!

Products featured:

- Macadamia Oil Rejuvenating Shampoo £15.75 for 300ml 

If you enjoyed the video, please do like and subscribe :) xxx

Sunday, 22 February 2015

All Used Up #11/#12

So I thought I had done 10 of these posts/videos... turned out I was one short and this should be number 12 in the series not 11, woops! It's been nearly 6 months since I last filmed a video so I hope you enjoy my mini reviews and the format of this post. 

Please subscribe if you like my channel and thank you for watching xxx

Friday, 30 May 2014

All Used Up #10 | Part 1 |

Hi guys,

I've finally had the time to film a few videos, yay! The first one I filmed was an empties as the bag was overflowing with a few months worth of products. There was so many I had to split it into two separate videos though or else it would have been very long and rambly. The first part is linked below for you to watch - there is a mixture of hair care, body care and make up. Please like and subscribe if you enjoyed it and keep your eyes peeled for the next part soon.


What have you used up recently? Do you like any of these products? xxx

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Get To Know Me | 25 Facts About Me |

Hey guys, the final post for this week is a TAG and will hopefully let you get to know me a little bit better. In the video I tell you 25 facts about me and it was actually really hard to think of 25 things! Let me know a fact about you in the comments :) 

Please like the video and subscribe to my channel if you enjoyed the video. Have a great weekend! xxx

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Collective Haul + A Little Surprise

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted yet this week, I will still be posting 3-4 times this week. The reason for the lack of posts at the beginning of the week is because my time was taken up planning and editing...... my first ever YouTube video ahhh!! I'm both excited and really really anxious about putting it up, but I thought it was about time I bit the bullet now I have my new camera and tripod to just give it a go.

Obviously I still have a lot of practice to get to know the right settings for my videos (note to self: turn off auto focus) and experiment with various backgrounds, but I think that all comes with time. 

So here it is, my first ever video, a collective haul.

I hope you enjoy it and it will enable you to get to know my personality a little bit better over time xxx

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