Hi everyone, this is my first post in a few weeks now so firstly I wanted to apologise for my absence. A lot of things have been going on in my personal life so the blog had to take a back seat, even though it was really annoying to have to do so. I should be back on a more regular basis from now on, even though things are still a bit crazy, its nice to have this place to be creative and take my mind of things.
I thought a bit of an update would be a good idea as this is a lifestyle blog too, so thought a good post would be to write about what happened over my bank holiday weekend.
On the Saturday, Matt took me to St Michael's Manor in St Albans for a lovely lunch. The food, drink and service was incredible, which was made even better by having a great view of the fabulous surroundings that the Manor has to offer. I would really recommend you take a visit if you are in the area. Two very exciting things happened over the lunch to make it extra special. Firstly, Matt officially asked me to move in with him :)! Of course I said yes and I am so so excited about it! He still has a few months on his lease of his flat at the moment but after that we want to find our own place. Even though we have talked about it before, it was so nice that he made an occasion of asking me to make it special and it has definitely made it feel a lot more real. I really can't wait! The second bit of good news was another surprise! Matt told me that after my graduation ball (which will happening next week) he has booked a trip to Barcelona for us!!! I felt so incredibly spoilt and shocked and obviously really happy, but at the beginning I wanted him to cancel it because I felt bad for him spending the money on me! I've had a bit of a rough time recently so he thought I deserved a treat - I really couldn't ask for a better boyfriend :) Now I just need to think of things to pack - I've always been really bad at being spontaneous so this will be a test to my organisational skills!
The next day, my family had a big BBQ with loads of family friends, some of which I hadn't seen in years! There was around 28 of us and we got through a lot of food - 6 legs of lamb, 4 desserts, cheese boards and more were demolished! We had the croquet out in the front garden which the men enjoyed and made it feel very English. It was a great way to spend a Sunday and it was nice to see my sister as well who I don't get to see that often very more as she lives in London.
On the Monday Matt and I enjoyed time just chilling together and watched a film called Cloud Atlas, which is very long! I can't make up my mind whether or not I liked it, although I loved the bits with Jim Broadbent in it as he is one of my favourite actors.
What did you get up to over the bank holiday? Do you have any suggestions for things to do in Barcelona? xxx