Since being in full time work I've had hardly any free time to read for pleasure as there always seems to be something more pressing to do. I've started trying to read a little bit each evening before I go to sleep and have been updating my
Goodreads a bit more often which motivates me to try a little harder. The only thing is, reading makes me so sleepy I end up nodding off after a few pages!
A book I've recently finished reading is the second offering from Robert Galbraith AKA the pseudonym of J.K. Rowling. Obviously she is most famous for the Harry Potter series but she has done really well to distance herself from being just a children's author. I really enjoyed the first in the series -'Cuckoo's Calling' - so I was looking forward to delving into this one. I do find that both books seem to have a classic mystery by numbers theme running through them but it doesn't make the story feel easy or childlike and I was kept guessing throughout the duration of the book as to who had committed the crime.
I won't go into massive detail about the story in case you were hoping to read this story, but in short it is based around trying to figure out who has murdered a flamboyant and egotistical writer in the same way which is detailed in his most recent unpublished book. One of the main things I love about the writing is that it is descriptive and detailed just the right amount so you are intrigued but it doesn't bore you to death with pages of unnecessary narrative. I also enjoyed the developing relationship between two of the main characters, Robin and Strike. It was great that the second book carried on from the first but it was a much different story line with different kinds of characters and the second was a little darker too so it wasn't repetitive in the slightest.
Overall I really enjoyed this book and can't wait for the next installment in the series. I would recommend it for people wanting to get into crime and also for lovers of J. K. Rowling.
What have you been reading lately? xxx