We've all heard the saying "It's A Small world" but I guess you don't realize how small it really is until you think about it.
My DS is in 4th grade. I had requested a certain teacher for him this year. I didn't know you could do this here until someone told me about a week before school ended in June. I did this because in 3rd grade he had a teacher that just didn't "get" him and he had a terrible year. When I say a terrible year I don't mean academically as he is a very smart kid and his grades were always excellent. But he went from his 2nd grade teacher knowing what he was about to someone who was clueless. I knew given the "right" teacher this boy would completely excel in anything he did.
When I learned of this teacher I remembered I had a guidance counselor in High School with the same name. This guidance counselor became someone who I looked up to and was a trusted friend.. I didn't realize then how much he did help me through those teenage years between 16 & 18 .
So DH & I go to a teacher conference last week with my sons new teacher. I decide for kicks to bring my high school year book and ask if he is related to my high school guidance counselor. I went to school in New York and am now in Florida so really what are the odds???
It turns out my old guidance counselor IS my sons teachers 2nd cousin!! Can you believe it?? Who would have thought that 32 years later my son would have a relative of my old guidance counselor! Small world indeed!
As for my son he is having one of the BEST school years so far. His new teacher has turned out to be perfect for him. He completely "gets" my son!!! I have seen a nice change in him already. He is definitely maturing and becomming more responsible since he started school in August. My little boy is growing up! :)
This past weekend DH & I decided to have a yard sale just to clear out some stuff we don't use anymore. Hoarders we are not......well except for my XS stash ...but that doesn't count! LOL
It was kind of fun as we got to meet some people who live in the neighborhood. People that you see around all of the time and just wave to but have never really spoken to them.
One of the people who stopped by was a lovely older woman. She was very friendly and we got to talking. She ended up buying my old set of pots. She told me her name was Jean and that if I ever started missing my pots that I can think of "Jean" having them. I told her I wouldn't forget her name as that was my MIL's name. She then got a funny look on her face and I then said "That's ok as I LOVE my MIL and she is a wonderful person". She let out a sigh of relief! LOL She then told me she had a niece named Lisa and when she used the pots she would think of me. We continued to talk and before she left she told me there was something else she wanted me to know about her niece Lisa. She then asked me if I knew the name
Todd Beamer?? A chill ran through my body and enormous sadness came over me. I told her "Yes I do, He was a HERO!!". She then told me that he was her niece Lisa's husband. I had to walk away from her at this point because I started crying :(
I got the chills right now typing that. I don't know where she lives in the neighborhood or even what kind of car she was in. I don't even remember her leaving after that. I don't even think I said goodbye to her :(
The entire 9-11 thing really hit me hard. I was living on Long Island when that happend and it was just so sad driving around my neighborhood afterwards seeing signs on peoples lawns about family members who had worked in Manhattan and were never recovered. I still can't watch anything related to it. I can close my eyes and still see the image of the plane hitting the 2nd tower of the Twin Towers.
On a lighter note....
I am still working on exchanges here. I mailed one out on Oct 1st and I don't think it has reached it's destination yet. My partner should be receiving it any day now...I hope anyway! As soon as she receives it I will post a pic.
I hope you are all having a good week!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!