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Showing posts with label Photo Dump Confessions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo Dump Confessions. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

If My Phone Could Talk


Anyone else just think of Goonies? Because I did. Anyways... Hope you are having a fantastic fantastic week so far and that you all have gotten over and through the Monday blues. I am LOVING this spring weather we are having and feel like life is so much happier when its nice out and there is more to do. Today I am bringing you a post from my phone:

-Hey all, Lindsay's phone here. Today I decided to show you how awesome Lindsay's life is through my photo lense and neglected photo gallery. I as well am glad that she is being more active as her long conversations of complaining were making me want to pull a "Siri" and go crazy on her. She is letting me rest more and enjoy myself in her back pocket or if I'm really lucky, her purse pocket for the whole day without even checking me. So here ya go, some happenings I have witnessed.









Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Photo Dump Confessions

So I have noticed lately that I haven't really been sharing a lot about my life and have only been writing about certain topics. I am sorry for that. I really want to you to be able to get to know me and not just the side I choose to show.

So as of late:

-Work is really my life. It's pretty much all I do lately with some randomness thrown in between. I have been crazy stressed lately to the point of not sleeping, breaking out, and being a bipolar case but I am finally getting settled into this new position I have. I have been learning a ton and it has been a blessing to learn SO MUCH while still new to the corporate world. Expanding my experience and knowledge base will be a huge asset in the future.

-My Heart has issues. I don't know what I want right now and that scares me. I know that in the future I want to be married and have children, there's no compromising on that. But I am at a point in my life where I am finally TRULY doing the "me" thing, and I love it. I do too much for others and not enough for myself. I will never have this opportunity again for the rest of my life, so I am taking the opportunity now even though its frowned upon by certain people around me who wish I would just pop out babies already.

-I don't know if I can work in Corporate America for the rest of my career. I'm good at it, I enjoy it, but it is SO easy to lose sight of the important things in life while being here. I want to work to live, not live to work.

- I got a roommate! Timara is finally living with me and I absolutely love it. I love that I don't get annoyed with her, we can have a crazy night out or low key night in and its always the best. It's nice to be able to have an intelligent conversation with her and talk about gossip (we all do). She is my honorary, *non-romantic, significant other.

-Is it sad that down the road I want my husband to just take care of me without me having to worry about work? Outside of being a stay at home mom, I do want hobbies and side projects that bring in income, but I don't want a 9-5 when I'm married after the first few years. But I am willing to do my part.

- My whole life I have felt a burden that my future family will depend on me financially and it stresses me out to the point of daily anxiety.

-I find myself wanting the past back even though I know it's not right, at least now, and know that its not healthy for me.

-I hate living with Meniere's Disease. I have had to completely change my lifestyle. I never know when an attack will come and that just adds on more stress. Sometimes I am SO mad about it, but I have to remember that if this is the only thing I have to go through right now, I have it SO easy and am so lucky and blessed.

-I always feel under-appreciated.

-I'm completely happy and complacent in life right now. Life is good and wonderful in the most imperfect way.


1. Spencer's Scout Pinewood Derby race 2. My best guy friends in a nutshell 3. My beautiful goddaughter Kaiya
1. Sick day 2. 200 followers! wow! 3. Sick day 4. Compliments of my 8 year old brother

Happy Tuesday! Hope you enjoyed this session of Photo Dump Confessions.
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