Thursday, January 12, 2012

I always knew. . .

. . . that Anne-Sophie's 20th birthday would have a bit of a different touch to it. Well, first of all it's special because she turns 20, but also because of the fact that at the exact same age, I gave birth to Anne-Sophie.

It's strange to imagine that I were 20 years old - 20 years ago! So much has happened and somehow time has gone far too fast, and yet suitable slow.

I remember how happy we all were, when we saw that little girl for the first time. And we have felt the same way about her ever since . . . an unexplainable, never ending love, which contains so many feelings. (What a joy it is for us to feel this paramount kind of love twice).

Later we are going to visit Anne-Sophie in her new apartment, and celebrate her. We did start the day with a birthday song on her cellphone. And as we didn't catch her the first time we called, she now has the birthday song on her answering machine. . . maybe not a good thing at all. ;)

I must admit that it still feels a bit strange not to set up the breakfast birthday ritual with presents, birthday mats, the orchestra and candles. But it's a very heartwarming delight that Anne-Sophie's boyfriend Tim made his very own birthday ritual for her this morning - they are both so good at remembering and pleasing each other.

So, my dearest Anne-Sophie - if you see this, I send you a warm happy birthday and my very best birthday hugs.
Love mom,


  1. Tillykke med din datter :-)

  2. Tllykke med din smukke datter Ulla......20 år - det er jo ikke til at tro - hun var jo nærmest lige startet i skolen da vi kom til nabolaget. Hils hende rigtig mange gange.....lidt forsinket :0)

    Knus Dorthe

  3. Tusind tak, Miri. :)) Hun havde en rigtig dejlig fødselsdag, og det var så fint at fejre hende i sit nye hjem. :))


    Mange tak, Dorthe - det er sødt af dig. :))
    Nej, det er godt nok underligt at hun er nået her til i livet. Men det er vidunderligt på samme tid at tænke tilbage på den tid der er gået.
    Tænk at hun var så lille da i flyttede her til! Tiden afspejler sig allermest i vores børn - så kan man virkelig fornemme hvor hurtigt det går...

    Hav en dejlig lørdag aften.

  4. Oh well, 20! Hip hip huraaaay...

    All the best to mother and child and loads of love,


  5. Tusind tak, Stine. :)) Ja, hun er virkelig lige pludselig blevet stor - det er som om de sidste 5 år er fløjet afsted.
    Men heldigvis er hvert eneste alders trin skønt og berigende. :))


    Thank you so much, Nina. :))It's truely strange that Anne-Sophie has reached this point in life. It's actually a bit weird to call her my "child" - from now on it might be my "grown up child". ;))

    Take care and lots of love to you too.

    Ulla :)


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