E n g l i s h - b e l o w
Jeg har klippet og klisteret på det seneste. De smukke mønstre fra CentiLongs nye e-bog skulle samles, så jeg endelig kan komme i gang med de fine modeller.
CentiLong består af Christina fra Rappedikke og Lis fra Karlsons Kludeskab. Begge vanvittigt talentfulde og dygtige kvinder udi håndarbejdets verden. Jeg ynder også at følge deres ord og billeder om livet i det hele taget og føler mig stort set altid inspireret og ikke mindst menneskeligt beriget.
Jeg ved jeg har nævnt det før, men jeg holder ufatteligt meget af mønstre som er enkle og elegante, og som alligevel har helt deres eget cool udtryk. Det formår CentiLongs modeller. Med skønne flæser og små detaljer.
Mønstrene kan laves i str. 1, 2 og 3 år og hvor er jeg - endnu en gang - glad for at vores lille niece Agnes kan agere aftager til tøj i mini størrelse...
E n g l i s h
Lately I have been cutting and pasting. The beautiful patterns from CentiLong's new e-book had to be put together, so I finally can start sewing the lovely designs.
CentiLong is Christina from Rappedikke and Lis from Karlsons Kludeskab. Both extremely talented and skilled women in the world of crafting. I also like keeping up on life in general through their words and pictures, and I almost always feel inspired and not least humanly enriched.
I know that I have said it before, but I'm incredibly fond of patterns which are simple and elegant, and which have their own cool expressions anyway. CentiLong's designs succeed in that. By gorgeous frills and little details.
The designs can be made in the sizes 1, 2 and 3 years, and oh how I'm thrilled once more by the fact that our little niece Agnes can act as user of clothes in mini sizes...
They are going to hang on branches - without leaves - which we will spray paint white and put in vases on the tables. Along with the flags the little skateboards are going to hang there as well. That is if it all looks all right together...
We are having quite a few red-letter days this summer. This Monday I turn 40, the following Friday it's Emils party and in the end of June, we can celebrate Anne-Sophie when she becomes a student.
My birthday will be oh so quiet. That's just how I like it, and for now I find it a lot more important to use my energy on preparing a wonderful day for Emil.
And when things settle down again over summer, then I might do something about the fact that I no longer are in my thirties (age has never been an issue to me before, but all of a sudden I think that 40 years sounds different in the wrong way!)
I'm off - more flags are to be made...