Showing posts with label I never knew anything about:. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I never knew anything about:. Show all posts

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Vendestrik bukser

Til alle os der holder af bøgerne "Vendestrik" og "Vendestrik #2" er der godt nyt i vente. Forlaget Vingefang udgiver nu bogen "Vendestrik bukser" af Hanne Meedom.

Tænk engang at man også kan strikke bukser i vendestrik - den tanke har aldrig strejfet mig. Men nu skal det undersøges hvordan det gøres. 

Jeg håber sådan i mit stille sind, at der også snart kommer flere sybøger fra Hanne og Sofie Meedom. Deres sybøger er intet mindre end vidunderlige, og fulde af en masse gode basismønstre på børnetøj. Og har man ikke den store erfaring med at sy, kan man sagtens kaste sig over bøgerne alligevel. Der er grundige forklaringer af forskellige syteknikker.

* * * * * * * * * * *

For those of us who likes the books Vendestrik and Vendestrik #2 there is a good piece of news. The publishing company Vingefang sends the book Vendestrik bukser on the market.

Just imagine that one can knit trousers in short row knitting - that thought has never crossed my mind. But now I want to check out how it's done.

I really hope that more sewingbooks will be coming from Hanne and Sofie Meedom. Their sewingbooks are nothing less than wonderful, and filled with a lot of good basis sewing patterns for children's clothes. And if you haven't got that much experience with sewing, you can easily use the books anyway. There are thorough explanations of various sewing techniques.

Monday, May 21, 2012


                                                                                                                                 Look at the bottom

Endelig var der nyt at strikke til de lidt større piger - dem på 3 til 8 år. Jeg fandt frem til 2 bøger skrevet af Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard. Der dukkede også 2 bøger op på Adlibris når jeg søgte på forfatteren: "Labour of love" og "Lovely knits for little girls". Begge forsider var forskellige og ligeså var titlerne. De var udgivet på forskellige forlag og den ene var dyrere end den anden.

Jeg plejer sagtens at kunne skelne mellem en bogs udgivelser landene imellem, men det der virkelig gjorde mig i tvivl var, at begge var engelsk sprogede og havde uens titler. Så jeg bestilte begge bøger. De få modeller jeg havde set fra Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard var så fantastiske at jeg måtte tage chancen. Tænk hvis der var 2 bøger?

Jeg må indrømme at jeg var lidt betænkelig ved min egen handling, men gjort var gjort. Og selvfølgelig blev min fikse beslutning sandhed, da de to bøger kom. De er fuldstændig ens. Den ene udgivet i England den anden i USA. Jeg føler mig temmelig dum...

Men indholdet er jeg utrolig begejstret for. Der er uttallige fine, fine modeller at strikke og tankegangen i designet er unik og stilfuld.

Så mangler du Vibe Ulrik Sondergaards nye bog med pige strik i alderen 3-8, så har jeg en ekstra du kan købe...bare sig til. 

* * * * * * * * * * * *


Finally there were new things to knit for older girls - those aged 3 to 8. I found 2 books written by Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard. 2 books also appeared when I searched for the author's name in Adlibris - Labour of love and Lovely knits for little girls. Both covers were different and so were the titles. They were published by 2 different publishers and one was more expensive than the other.

I'm usually capable of telling a books publications apart in several countries, but what really made me doubt was the fact that they were both written in English and had unlike titles. So I ordered both books.
The few models I had seen from Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard's hands were so fantastic, that I had to take the chance. What if there were 2 books?

I must admit that I had my second thoughts about my descission, but done was done. And of course my fixed idea came true when I received the 2 books. They were completely the same! One was published in the UK, the other in the USA. I feel rather stupid...

But I'm really thrilled about the content of the book(s). There are numerous fine, fine designs to knit and the idea behind the design is unique and stylish.

So if you need Vibe Ulrik Sondergaard's new book with girlish knit designs sized 3-8 years, then I have an extra one for you to buy. Just let me know.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

For our hands - and eyes

Anne-Sophie has been busy with her studies for a long time, but she has spent some of her precious sparetime on making the most beautiful Christmas ornaments I know.

A whole bunch of Froebel Stars were among the things she showed me, when she was home this weekend. She's going to use the lot for a mobile. And the ones you see here are not all of them - many more were folded in her hands while she was here. 
It didn't take her many minutes to finish a star. My skills, on the other hand, are a different story. I'm not good at making the stars - they always tend to look inaccurate and somehow I manage to get the paper shreds wrinkled. As a side befinefit my temper usually gets the better of me.

Today we had a wonderful afternoon, playing with self-hardening clay and listening to so far unheard Christmas music from the radio. Both of us enjoyed it (apart from the music).

It's a magical feeling to mould the clay in your hands and get things to come out of it.We mostly made ornaments for Christmas, but also a bit of jewlry and some signs to put on jars containing flour, sugar and the likes of it.

Anne-Sophie didn't get to bring home her things made from clay this time. They hadn't dried up yet, and I think that the items need the night to set completely hard.

Maybe we are going to paint some of the letters which we put into the clay...and of course add some string in different colours to the ones which need that.

It's was almost too late to begin with the Christmas stuff, but we are absolutely not done playing with self-hardening clay.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

A wonderful day is almost over

After a wonderful day spent in Århus with Anne-Sophie, I'm full of happiness, love and loads of new impressions.

We talked and talked, and laughed and laughed...Anne-Sophie took me to the architecture school, where she spends a huge amount of her time now. We had food - which undoubtedly was a not so delicious experience - and we did some Christmas shopping.

Photos from COS

Anne-Sophie has a few favourite shops, which she likes to visit and wanted to show me. I were particular thrilled about COS.
It has been ages since I have seen a selection of so much beautiful clothes. The colours were stylish, the details were elegant, and it all resulted in simple and gorgeous looks. All clothes which were able to be used for several years, due to style and quality, if you ask me. And for many occassions, too.

There were things for women, men and children. Anne-Sophie and I both loved the little A-line dress with all  the colours - it made us think of Marimekko. And the Gingham shirt was (of course) just the kind I think little boys should wear.

Photos from COS 
I also got the chance to visit Ingers lovely yarn shop. Oh, what a place. I could have looked at the beautiful yarn and other goodies for ages. But I ended up buying 100 grams more of the soft Duo silke/merino. I chose the pale pink - it's going to be used for a stripe on a hat for Anne-Sophie, and for a third scarf made from Theresa's pattern

Photo from
Finally I saw a recently published book by Elisabeth Amdisen - it looked so interesting that I have to add it to my own wishlist (the one from me to me). It's an embroidery book called Tusind og én nats broderierand in the shop's window the book was presented with little pouches made in colourful Arabian inspired x-stitches.

What a lovely day - now it's time to rest...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lili Points

Through a French blog  I became aware of some funny x-stitch patterns. I don't like them all, but a lot of them were nice, and made in a way I haven't seen before. More modern if you like.

Lili Points is the name, and at their website you can see loads of patterns for all kinds of occasions. I think this one is funny

Photo from Lili Points

Mère poule means mother hen - the kind of mother who takes too good care of her childen and wrap them in cotton! But all beacause of amour as the embroidery says...

I bought the pattern below. I can easily see it on a kitchen towel or perhaps a cool table runner.

Photo from Lili Points

I wouldn't mind making this one sometime. 

Photo from Lili Points

But so far I will keep my hands on the cow and the milk bottles...

Friday, August 26, 2011

They are back! Or is it just me who is slow?

I remember when I, as a young girl, flicked through the pages of the Danish magazine Femina, to find the knitting patterns of the week.

They were always trendy and funny to make, and the patterns have often been the source when I knitted new things in my youth.

All of a sudden the magazine stopped bringing knitting patterns, and the crafty part became a less important factor. That really dissappointed me, but as time went by I forgot all about it.

But then I googled something about knitting, and there it was: a link to lots of beautiful and free knitting patterns from Femina's website!

Maybe it's old news to you, but I got happy. And why on earth didn't it strike me before, that this particular magazine might have a crafty part on their website, like so many other magazines??

So now the little top above has already been printed for future projects, and so will the pattern for the white baby and toddler vest be.

Sadly they are all written in Danish, but maybe they can be an inspiration anyway.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Maybe it's a pattern she likes?

All the time during studying for her exams, Anne-Sophie has been dreaming of knitting.
When I'm done I would love to knit a sweater, mom. She said that several times - but she kept on reading and didn't give in for the urge to start knitting.

Photo from Familie journalen

She hasn't decided on any particular pattern yet, so when I saw this lovely and simple sweater on ravelry yesterday, I thought that it would probably be something for Anne-Sophie. It's designed by Lene Holme Samsøe.

The pattern is from the Danish magazine Familie Journalen and is sadly only written in Danish. But it isn't a difficult pattern at all, so I think that you might be able to figure it out just by looking at the sweater, if you are an experienced knitter.

Now I only have to wait until I see Anne-Sophie again, so I can ask her whether it's her future knitting that I have found...

NB! A big thank you to Guro who told me, that the pattern actually is translated into English. You can find it right here. How lovely!!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Such a cool idea

Whenever we have some batteries which don't work anymore, I always move them around the kitchen several times before I find a place for them.
This usually involve a boring plastic bag and a place in our drawer. There they will lie - and annoy us - until we take them to the battery storage place at our local grocer's. He makes sure that they get to be taken to the right place, so they become reused in the right way.

But the other day I saw this brilliant solution for battery storage. How cool is that! Little batteries in a big battery...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Converse + Marimekko!

SPRING collection 2011

Isn't it cool??

Marinekko + Converse must be the most ideal collaboration ever.
In fact all of the fabulous boots and shoes will leave me in a state of utter confusion and indecisiveness.

There is a Spring 2011 collection which became such a huge success that they decided to make an Autumn 2011 collection as well.

FALL collection 2011

I'm not at the buying stage yet - but hopefully I will get there sometime once I make up my mind.

Sunday, June 05, 2011


Days gone by by lille-ursus plait skills on Anne-Sophie's long hair - while she's wearing some of Emil's confirmation clothes!! (I honestly don't know anyone who freezes more than her - always wrapped up in clothes, blankets and socks.)

I'm trying out new ways of doing the plaiting. I can tell by the look of the photo that I'm not quite there yet. Plaits have never looked good when they have been through my hands and fingers.

But most of all I was plaiting Anne-Sophie's hair because she needed a little break and some tender care, while spending hours and days preparing for her last 4 oral exams.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time for your opion on the kitchen machine matter!!

Okay, here is the matter which we debate, my husband and I, when ever the subject kitchen machine comes up. Is the Kitchen Aid machine as good (or bad) as people say?? My husband is not positive about it at all!
 Is it just the design and the brand which you pay - a lot! - for, or does the machine really work as well as some people say??
We are going to get some kind of kitchen machine, so I can start baking some more again. I can't knead dough very well any longer, and that annoys me so...I would much rather have my hands in the dough and do the work myself.

I would really love to hear your opinion and experiences with this machine. Or maybe you can tell me about a totally different machine, which is much better. :)

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

And we still wonder

After a wonderful sunny walk on the beach on Christian's birthday, everyone in my little family has an unanswered question.

It all began with our - usual - hunt for fossilized Sea Urchins. Whenever we go to a beach we commence a family quest for the fine round fossils.
The person who finds the most has won.

This time I won because of all the many fine examples I picked up. Not a normal outcome of our quests.
Christian, however, was the one who found the most special stone - and it wasn't even a Sea Urchin...

It was this beautiful redish stone, which has 2 tiny balls inside of it.
It's so amazing to look at, and it really has puzzled our minds through the last days.

What on earth is it? Which kind of stone? Maybe it's just another ordinary stone for someone who has a lot of knowledge in the stone area. But we have never seen anything like it...


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Parachuting Lambs

That doesn't sound bad, knowing that Easter isn't that far away...

Photos from BossysFeltworks's

You can find them here - dropping from the sky right into your basket.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Excellent - if you ask me!

For a button lover like me - or shouldn't I say haberdashery lover - this is the perfect solution when looking for the right button. And from a company with a fabulous name: Doodlebug design.

So many darling buttons in one card - shapes and colours for this and that. Who could ask for more?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

3 Spoonflower favourites

I could look at all the many fabulous fabrics on Spoonflower for hours and hours. There are so many possibilities when you design a piece of fabric. Just have a look at this...and this.

I'm no good at the design part, but I would sure love to create something from the fabrics, which have been designed by talented people from all over the world.

For now there are 3 fabrics I would love to buy loads and loads of:

Houses by Stefohnee

Kokeshi dolls by Joybucket

3 red tulip apron by Vina
Maybe they could be the thing which kickstarted my sewing mojo again. I haven't done any sewing since this - and that's 2 months ago!

I could very easily be persuaded to make our little niece Agnes one of the tulip aprons. A reversible one...

Saturday, December 25, 2010

And then...

After a very cozy night it's time to try out one of the - outdoor - presents....

A snow skateboard (not snowboard) which we ordered in the USA. I never knew that such a thing existed before Emil wrote it on his wishlist. But I knew that he would be able to skate it the very minute he stood on it...and I were right.

He had so much fun skating down the long and steep slope, and after him ran happy Otto - trying to catch up with Emil.

Now we are all back in our warm house, and soon we will begin the family Bezzerwizzer tournament.
Take care and enjoy the day...I sure do.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

T e m p t i n g ~ c e r a m i c s . . .

And a little beauty in glass.

I have found the most WONDERFUL shop ever. It's Swedish, it's called COSAS and I feel an urge to buy nearly everything in it.

Maybe you like it too...have a look. All the photos are from Cosas, so dig in...

By Marie-Louise Sundqvist

Made by Fideli Sundqvist

Made by Mia Blanche, K2 Keramik

Made by Mia Blanche, K2 Keramik

From House Doctor

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Do you have a possible owner for this?

Picture from Moods

We most certainly do!

The little wooden birdcage is - obviously - for your keys so you put them in the same place every time you get home.

But it's on the assumption that you could find your keys in the first place! We know someone who has a very hard time doing that - every single time he needs his keys.

SO now Emil and I has decided to give Christian this fancy bird with a house of it's own. Then it's up to Christian to be another bird, and whistle for his keys when they are lost. Hopefully the little pink bird answers him back and leads him to his keys....that will save us all for lots of time running around looking for missing keys!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Do you know what these colored circles with numbers are for?

Well, if you ask me, then I will say that it's a very brilliant idea, in a new and gorgeous design. It's for candlelights in December, so we can count down the days....

It sure looks promising for those of us who like Maileg. We will just have to wait a little while yet before it gets even better.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A great idea

Isn't this a cool way to use hexagons? I think so.

And I love the fact that women with short hair can use hair clips and hairbands. That was absolutely not an option when I was a child.. One would be laughed at in school for doing so. Hair clips were only to be used if your hair was long and shiny.

But luckily that is not the case in 2010.

This particular barrette is from etsy - it's made by PunchDrunkPrincess.