Til alle os der holder af bøgerne "Vendestrik" og "Vendestrik #2" er der godt nyt i vente. Forlaget Vingefang udgiver nu bogen "Vendestrik bukser" af Hanne Meedom.
Tænk engang at man også kan strikke bukser i vendestrik - den tanke har aldrig strejfet mig. Men nu skal det undersøges hvordan det gøres.
Jeg håber sådan i mit stille sind, at der også snart kommer flere sybøger fra Hanne og Sofie Meedom. Deres sybøger er intet mindre end vidunderlige, og fulde af en masse gode basismønstre på børnetøj. Og har man ikke den store erfaring med at sy, kan man sagtens kaste sig over bøgerne alligevel. Der er grundige forklaringer af forskellige syteknikker.
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For those of us who likes the books Vendestrik and Vendestrik #2 there is a good piece of news. The publishing company Vingefang sends the book Vendestrik bukser on the market.
Just imagine that one can knit trousers in short row knitting - that thought has never crossed my mind. But now I want to check out how it's done.
I really hope that more sewingbooks will be coming from Hanne and Sofie Meedom. Their sewingbooks are nothing less than wonderful, and filled with a lot of good basis sewing patterns for children's clothes. And if you haven't got that much experience with sewing, you can easily use the books anyway. There are thorough explanations of various sewing techniques.
It all began with our - usual - hunt for fossilized Sea Urchins. Whenever we go to a beach we commence a family quest for the fine round fossils.
The person who finds the most has won.
This time I won because of all the many fine examples I picked up. Not a normal outcome of our quests.
Christian, however, was the one who found the most special stone - and it wasn't even a Sea Urchin...
It was this beautiful redish stone, which has 2 tiny balls inside of it.
It's so amazing to look at, and it really has puzzled our minds through the last days.