
Showing posts with the label kids

Halloween 2017

 Ryan was Jason and Evan was Foxy for Halloween this year. No masks and no weapons means we make slight adjustments to costumes for school- or do what Ryan does, and just change it up completely!  The boys' trick-or-treating group knocking on my door.  Evan's loot Ryan's haul   Ryan's Monster School  Evan's class party 

Fun Center

For the last week of summer, I asked the kids what they wanted to do.  One vote was for laser tag, and another was for roller skating.  So twice in one week we went to the fun center.  I even let them play some arcades.  What a blast! 

Back to School 2016

  On the last day of Ryan's band camp we were issued his schedule.  We went around after his  performance to find his locker and classes.  It's still really hard to believe that I have a child in Middle School! After we went to see Ryan's classes, I thought we'd stop by Evan's NEW school too.   Unfortunately, they were prepping for the meet-the-teacher night on the day before school started so... we had to wait.    Meet the teacher night finally came and we got to see where Evan will spend his time in third grade.  His teacher seems really great and he's excited about heading to a new school.  First Day of School, 2016.  Ryan, Grade 6.  Evan, Grade 3. His new white Vans.  New Backpack Taco Vans First Day Smiles First Day Frowns Ha ha ha!  I think the boys really were excited to go back to school but there were definitely some nerves involved.  I was super nervous about Ryan

Church History Museum

 A friend of mine and I took our boys downtown to see the Church History Museum.  It is beautiful and really well done.  We learned things about Joseph Smith and early LDS Church history that we hadn't known before.  The boys loved seeing the Angel Moroni up-close.  They even got to put on white gloves and touch it.  I loved the stain glassed window and the art displays upstairs.