
Showing posts with the label Evan

Evan's 10th Birthday!

Our sweet Evan turned 10!  We had his birthday party for friends and family at Obstacle Warrior Kids in Sandy.  It is a new place and the kids had a great time getting their warrior on. I think the crowd favorite was "the wall"  and they all tried to get to the top many times.  I'm pretty sure they all conquered the wall at least once.  On Evan's actual birthday we had birthday waffles, dinner of pancakes (he likes breakfast I guess) and dessert at Last Course (another new place) in Draper.   We sure do love you, kid!   

Skiing 2018

We didn't get much snow this year and so when the snow fell on a public holiday, EVERYONE went to the slopes.  I mean, everyone in the entire Salt Lake Valley headed for the hills.  So many, in fact, that there were MAJOR slow downs and a lot of accidents.  UDOT reported over 50 slide offs and fender benders that morning between Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons.  Luckily, with a little persistence we were able to make it up the hill.  Jess and Cole had a little harder time with Cole being called into work TWICE!  It was pretty crazy.  By the end of the day, Jess only got like three or four runs in.  The kids continue to amaze us with how quickly they pick up the sports and they all did a great job.  No one got hurt and we all stayed warm as we were prepared for the sub-zero temperatures.  And that's it!  Just one day of skiing this year. 

King Dice Valentine's Box

My son has been really in to the video game Cup Head this year so, when his teacher said that he needed to make a box for his class Valentine's Day party, we decided to go with something fitting with the theme of Cup Head.  One of the main bosses in the game is called King Dice.  He's a dice with a face and that's square so it made for a fun Valentine box.  One day while were were shopping for groceries in our local Walmart we noticed they had a whole cart full of boxes.  I asked one of the kind employees if we could take one and she gladly obliged.  We found a square one and it was just perfect.  Below is the process for how we made the King Dice Valentine's box. Step 1: Procure a square box. Step 2: Wrap in white paper.  I just turned our regular Birthday Party paper inside out and wrapped the box in that.  The design shows through slightly but I thought the result was better than me wasting my time finding plain paper and paying for it.  Step 3: Punch o