Life in a Week... A Book About Being Really Happy and Life in a Week... What Is Spirituality are two of my creations that I wanted to share with the world. I feel we all have a story to tell but, more importantly we feel blessed when we can put a smile on someones face! I hope my stories inspire you to do just that with the ones whom are closest to you!

THANK YOU for stopping by my blog and please let me know if your visit here put a smile on your face! My personal email is

If you like what you read here then go to the right and order a copy of each of the books today!

Have a fun day, Michael Shawn Keller
Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts

Monday, May 28, 2012

What path in life are you taking?

Today I ask you to take a look at yourself. No, not in the mirror but at your hearts. I have been watching my thoughts and my actions pretty closely and found that I have much to learn. I need to tune my ears closer to the wisdom that is offered by others who have insight and knowledge of the good that surrounds me. We have free will and can pick out what’s true and fair. Wisdom and knowledge are pleasant companions while common sense will help us travel the right paths and keep us from following the bad directions of the lost! When we aren’t paying attention to our hearts, we will find a lot of detours and dead ends. When we listen to our hearts and learn from really true friends we will find all the good trails.
Listen for the good in everything that you do, everywhere you go. You will stay on track. Don’t ever assume you know everything because there is so much more to learn! Earn a reputation for living well by doing well. Run from the ones who tempt you to do the wrong thing because they will only bring you into that maze of detours and dead ends. Don’t give that smooth talking temptress a second thought because it will only distract you from looking forward and only tempt you to join them on the path to nowhere. Don’t walk around with a chip on your shoulder. The ones who are straightforward are the ones who get respect.

Never walk away from someone who needs help. Don’t tell someone “maybe later” or “next time” when you have a pocket full of money or the time right now. Even worse, never try to figure out ways to take advantage of someone when they are sitting there trusting you and unsuspecting. This is one of the quickest ways to end up in a blind alley and miserable. Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth, don’t tell white lies, or gossip. Keep your heart focused on the right path and ignore the sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the roads will be paved out smoothly for you!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Laugh and pass along the energy!

My new fun shirt that I hope brings some smiles to everyone who passes by! Life is about enjoying life and helping others to smile along the way! I hope each and everyone of you have a perfect day knowing that you are making a difference in others lives!
Have FUN!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Even though we may try to plan all things and arrange everything with extreme care, we will still have a lot of opportunities to exercise the virtue of patience. We can’t eliminate the unexpected or the unavoidable. In most cases our best weapon is our intelligent patience with both ourselves as with others. We will always have daily trials that at times will even cause bodily pains. At other times it may be a simple annoyance, disappointment, or cause anxiety. We would like to be free of these trials, but that is impossible. Patience and understanding are the keys to dealing with such circumstances, the key to peace and happiness is to know that our reactions should never be surprised, resentful, or saddened when things don’t go our way. We should try to gain more control of the situations and learning to deal with the trials will teach us the most valuable lessons in this life!

Our lives will have trials every day. We are always being tested. If we live well, our acts will merit a rewarding life. But the fact is that we will face the possibilities of success or failure. In either case, the outcome of these trials is determined by our own free choice! I was told a few days ago that our sub-conscience mind will save what we write and put our writings into action quicker than if we were to simply imagine or say them aloud. This may be the case but, I feel our words that we speak to each other have much more power to change our lives. I have felt more intense pains from slaps to the face from words spoken to me than I have ever felt from a hand. We need to be careful of what we say to each other in heated moments of boiled over situations. There are no accidents. There is the law of cause and effect in every situation. Our thoughts create our words and our words create the reactions and therefore the results.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What's your real "problem?"

The best way to help others is to just be yourself and always listen to others who are around you. I have met so many people in the past few days who have many stories and many different pasts. When we listen to the people around us, we can learn so many things about ourselves,and save ourselves a lot of headaches of having to go through those very same mistakes or trials. I was talking to someone who told me that he was going through one of the most challenging times of his life a few years ago, but when he took a few moments every night to listen to his inner self, he found the answers he so badly needed. He told me that when he finally learned to ask for help from his "inner guides" he realized that most of his "problems" were actually symtoms of a much deeper issue. His mind was just keeping him distracted so he wouldn't think about what the real problem was...just something to think about.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Get a hearing aid or run into the traffic!

I meet a lot of people everyday and I try to remember that people always project to others what they feel about themselves. I was talking to a woman today who would not make eye contact and talked very low. When I asked her if she would speak up because I have a hard time hearing sometimes she literally screamed at me to get a hearing aid or run into the traffic! WOW. I didn't know what to do or say so I just asked her if she needed a hug (and that is hard for me because I am not a touchy feely kind of person usually...especially once I quit drinking). She grabbed her coffee and walked outside, I too was leaving and headed for my car. When I got into the car she walked over and said she was sorry and told me that the doctor just told her that she is deaf in her left ear and would loose all her hearing by the time she was 40! She felt guilty because she would not be able to hear her babies voice in a short time. I told her that I believe guilt is taught to us as children and it is not natural, it is hell. Guilt is a horrible feeling to carry with us needlessly. Many of us are filled with that guilt and accept it as right when it is actually wrong! Take a step back, look at every situation, and always be happy for what we have even if it is for a limited time. Leave the judging up to God, for we should not judge anyone, just care and love unconditionally! My point here is that I am glad I didn't just get snotty back or get defensive because that would have just hurt both of us. The old saying "keep your mouth shut unless you have something nice to say" comes to mind! Have a fun week, Mike

Cartoons with a positive message! I do this when I am bored (wierd)

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