Life in a Week... A Book About Being Really Happy and Life in a Week... What Is Spirituality are two of my creations that I wanted to share with the world. I feel we all have a story to tell but, more importantly we feel blessed when we can put a smile on someones face! I hope my stories inspire you to do just that with the ones whom are closest to you!

THANK YOU for stopping by my blog and please let me know if your visit here put a smile on your face! My personal email is

If you like what you read here then go to the right and order a copy of each of the books today!

Have a fun day, Michael Shawn Keller
Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anxiety. Show all posts

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Prayers to everyone in Sandy Hook

I tend to write about the goodness in life. I try to put on paper what I feel and how I try to live my life. I always look at the bright side of situations and how we overcome challenges. This is why I enjoy conveying my thoughts to you; the readers. Today I am having a difficult time writing of the good surrounding me because I feel an emptiness from the horrific actions of just one man. A man that shot his way into an elementary school and murdered innocent people and children. My faith says that anyone who takes the innocence or hurts a child will be condemned for all eternity but, this doesn’t seem to calm my initial feelings of sadness, anger, and confusion. We are all asking why and how this can happen to the most innocent in our society? We want to know what is going on with this world. Some are saying the Mayan apocalypse is on the way while others are saying that evil has visited this small town of Sandy Hook, CT. I don’t believe either of those scenario’s. I think that a mentally ill or sick individual has visited that town and that we need to focus on learning from the horrible situation. We need to hug the ones we love everyday and be thankful for every moment that we have on earth. We need to listen to our family and friends and pay attention to what is going on in their hearts.

We will never be able to prevent chaos and evil but we can fight it with the most powerful weapon known to all mankind; Love. I have never known Love to create such sadness or anger that evil creates. I have never seen Love be jealous or cheap. Love is unconditional and fair. It is something that these innocent children had stolen from them and their families. I am certain that with this very same Love we will see Strength flourish. You see, Love and Strength go hand and hand. We need to be strong and have faith that there is much more good than evil in this world and we need to stand united and always be good to those that surround us. When we do this we will help to prevent these actions from happening again.

My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone who is mourning and may God bless us all.

Monday, May 28, 2012

What path in life are you taking?

Today I ask you to take a look at yourself. No, not in the mirror but at your hearts. I have been watching my thoughts and my actions pretty closely and found that I have much to learn. I need to tune my ears closer to the wisdom that is offered by others who have insight and knowledge of the good that surrounds me. We have free will and can pick out what’s true and fair. Wisdom and knowledge are pleasant companions while common sense will help us travel the right paths and keep us from following the bad directions of the lost! When we aren’t paying attention to our hearts, we will find a lot of detours and dead ends. When we listen to our hearts and learn from really true friends we will find all the good trails.
Listen for the good in everything that you do, everywhere you go. You will stay on track. Don’t ever assume you know everything because there is so much more to learn! Earn a reputation for living well by doing well. Run from the ones who tempt you to do the wrong thing because they will only bring you into that maze of detours and dead ends. Don’t give that smooth talking temptress a second thought because it will only distract you from looking forward and only tempt you to join them on the path to nowhere. Don’t walk around with a chip on your shoulder. The ones who are straightforward are the ones who get respect.

Never walk away from someone who needs help. Don’t tell someone “maybe later” or “next time” when you have a pocket full of money or the time right now. Even worse, never try to figure out ways to take advantage of someone when they are sitting there trusting you and unsuspecting. This is one of the quickest ways to end up in a blind alley and miserable. Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth, don’t tell white lies, or gossip. Keep your heart focused on the right path and ignore the sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the roads will be paved out smoothly for you!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bullies or Hate? Love is the answer!

When I was a kid we would have kids teasing each other about our hair, our teeth, or maybe even a smelly belly (fat) but, in these days of the internet and computers we are faced with many more issues. As we advance in technology and instant news we would hope that we would also become or “grow” smarter? Not the case in many aspects of our lives, in fact we may be going in the opposite direction. It is sad, today alone I read about a fourteen year old boy who committed suicide just fifty miles from my home because he was physically assaulted in the hallways of school every day for “acting gay”, a twelve year old girl who was severely beaten because she is Mexican, and a teacher who was fired because he yelled at a kid in his class to “pipe down or go to the principle!”

I think that the one thing we are lacking as a general population is “common sense and respect.” I respected my teachers because I was taught to respect my elders, I knew that I needed to listen to them or I would have to answer to my parents when I got home! I believe we need to start discussing these issues with our kids, co-workers, friends, and family. We need to set aside political correctness, stereotypes, and prejudgements of others. We need to lead by our examples and to embrace our differences in this great world of ours. Teach others by our examples, not just boring words that are forgotten...

We are blessed to live in a time of such changes and we need to learn from each other. We will fail if we don’t start paying attention to the world around us, but we will grow if we Love and nurture the good in each other. Talk to your family and friends about these issues and express yourself as only you can and we will make a difference today. Don’t try to change the world, just your world! Changes happen from within, then it spreads to others...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Turn that hate into Love!

It should be easier to see the good in people, we shouldn't have to search for it! Lately it seems that we hear more about all the hate, sadness, and controversies. I KNOW that there is more good in this world than there is bad. So, why is it that we are constantly focusing on the bad? Why is it that controversy sells more papers or gets more viewers on the television? We are good by nature and we will live happier lives when we remember this! Happiness is a journey not a destination, just as Love is a much more powerful tool than hate. Hate is an awful emotion fueled by fear and anyone who tries to feel powerful by scaring others is only going to be a sad and lonely soul. We need to start this wonderful year spreading the refreshing feelings of Love and hope. It starts from within and we need to carry these good feelings around with us through out our daily life, if we want to make this a better place to live and grow together.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Don't get stuck in the mud!

We need to remember that the emotions that we feel will determine our overall health and we must forgive and forget at all costs. Revenge, hatred, and negative vibes will create health situations and in turn those emotions will ultimately hurt us. Our sub-conscience thoughts create all of our life energies whether good or bad, it is our choice which one we choose. Dim thoughts filled with anger will harden our souls, while a brightly lit heart will help us to find our way to happiness. Don’t let other peoples actions grow like weeds in our thoughts getting ourselves stuck in the mud with them. Always keep in mind those negative thoughts create negative results, such as headaches. Headaches are our souls way of telling us to just let the little things go and to pick our battles and to not let other peoples dark thoughts to live in our heads rent free, just kick them out and make room for happiness! It took me many years to realize that we need to take care of ourselves first. Otherwise, we won’t have the energy needed to take care of the ones we love that may need it. This is a difficult thing for me to even write because it may mean having to say “no” to someone who we love at times in order for us to avoid headaches and to feel better ourselves. Sometimes spreading ourselves to thin and being exhausted will back fire on us. Don’t worry about others rewarding us, for life will reward us as goodness will always find itself! So the secret to living headache free is to think happily, avoid negativity, stay alert, keep the light on for laughter because the light will always overpower the darkness.

Cartoons with a positive message! I do this when I am bored (wierd)

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