Life in a Week... A Book About Being Really Happy and Life in a Week... What Is Spirituality are two of my creations that I wanted to share with the world. I feel we all have a story to tell but, more importantly we feel blessed when we can put a smile on someones face! I hope my stories inspire you to do just that with the ones whom are closest to you!

THANK YOU for stopping by my blog and please let me know if your visit here put a smile on your face! My personal email is

If you like what you read here then go to the right and order a copy of each of the books today!

Have a fun day, Michael Shawn Keller
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

Monday, February 6, 2012

Laugh and pass along the energy!

My new fun shirt that I hope brings some smiles to everyone who passes by! Life is about enjoying life and helping others to smile along the way! I hope each and everyone of you have a perfect day knowing that you are making a difference in others lives!
Have FUN!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

With the new year comes new beginnings. Make the best of each day and pass along something good to everyone you meet. With the new year remember to throw away the baggage and grumpy thoughts! Be yourself and Be HAPPY! Don't take the day for granted. Be nice.
Have a safe and fun New Year everyone,
Michael Shawn

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I have found that when people enjoy picking on others it's simply because they have low self esteem. They are picking constantly to feel better about themselves and their own shortcomings. When I was a kid my Dad would say "he or she does it because he or she is jeolous, don't let it bother you." We all know someone like this; they're usually the bullies. Someone who is confident and self loving will never have to raise his or her voice, let alone a fist. Knowing this makes it easier to forgive someone who has wronged us and helps us to understand why a person acts in such a negative way. Don't just walk away from the negativity, but run! My whole point here is that negativity is contagous, just as happiness is. When someone is acting mean spirited to you or being a bully it comes from within. Be there for your family and friends but don't feed the negative vibes, show your love by being happy from within and maybe that smile or hug will help the negative thinking persons outlook for the better!     (I posted this back in 2009 and it hit home to me today, so why not re-post it again!) 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

It is so nice outside...take a walk!

I like the old saying "spring is in the air!" The birds are chirping, the bugs are crawling, the grass and plants are changing colors and most of importantly; we are in better moods! Shake that "old man winters blues" off and take a walk, go to the petting zoo, play a game of hoops, or go for a ride with the windows down! A good dose of fresh air will make our days much better. Happy Spring everyone, Mike Keller    

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Relationships are tricky!

<>Relationships are always tricky. Good relationships don't happen by accident and must be consciously built, you will always have to take into consideration the person at the other end of the relationship. To start with, some people are not going to interpret your personality as you see it. You are going to have to be sensitive enough to determine who these people are, and then you must build a good relationship with them on an individual basis. It is not easy to change a cool relationship to a warm one, yet you cannot afford to allow it to remain in an unhealthy state. You should take some extra effort to build it into a stronger relationship. To build a stronger relationship, remember that she (or he) sees you differently than anyone else or how you might even see yourself! A really good friend of mine told me that "it isn't all about you" and that is so true when building life long relationships... (Change 'me' to 'we')

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"A foot of snow... yea right!!

What a great day for some Advil! This was the best work out I had in a long while, now it's time for a nap. Happy January New England. Drive safe if you are traveling.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Where we are now and where we are going...

We create our tomorrows by our actions today, just as what is happening to us today is caused by what we did yesterday! Every action creates a reaction and it truly is that simple. We really do create our destiny and I do not believe in chance or coincidence. This is true with everything in life whether we are trying to better our home lives, work situations, school grades, or social activities. If you want to be loved then love, if you want to be rich then work smarter, if you want to have closer friends then be friendlier and show that you really care.       

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New year and new beginnings...

Here we are again with a perfect year to start fresh! The year is 2010 and the beginning of yet another great decade of learning, growing, and Loving. Every year I ask my family and friends “what is your new year’s resolution?” and get the same five or six responses. The most popular are to spend more time with the family, lose weight and get more fit, quit smoking, quit drinking, get rid of debt and be more organized. Then I hear the random ones of helping others more often, start volunteering, and learn something new. All are perfect resolutions and I am glad to see that we all put the effort into bettering ourselves and the world around us but, we will be discouraged if we don’t live up to these resolutions and in the long run (usually by February) will ultimately forget them.

Every day we meet new people and are in new situations that give us opportunity to learn something new and we may be surprised at the gems of wisdom that can affect us profoundly in our lives. We need to fully embrace the fact that it is essential that we acknowledge that everyone is valuable in their own way and is special. If we make a new years resolution to take an extra step in being a bit more compassionate, understanding, and kind to everyone we come into contact with, we will have the potential to enrich our lives in such a big way! All relationships whether brief or a lifelong friend can help us to open our eyes to new worlds of joy and happiness.

We need to remember that when we meet someone who we dislike or rub us the wrong way we still need to have that same compassion, while examining our own feelings carefully. Usually the reason that we may dislike someone who is different is because they compel us to question our own values and ideologies while threatening to undermine our self-assurance. We need to treat others how we would like to be treated, not how we are treated. If we treat a negative acting person with negative reactions, we are becoming that negative feeling. Our thoughts become who we are in our daily lives. Every action creates a reaction and we want to create a wonderful day for everyone we meet on our journeys in life. We need to start this new year with a positive attitude and spirit so we can work toward not only the best year of our lives but the best decade as well!

My point here is to start the new year with a new beginning and not just a new year’s resolution! We all make goals and work toward them on a daily basis, but what we may want to do are make changes to our thoughts as well. This in turn will help us on our way to reaching the resolution goals and to make us a bit happier while having a lot of fun along the way. Always remember that as long as we do better today than we did yesterday then we are heading down the right path in life. We all have the ability to make this a better world and should start with ourselves, our families, and our communities. Even the simplest gestures of a smile, holding the door open for the next person, or a quick wave can change the day and life of a stranger, so start embracing the beauty around us and make 2010 the best year of our lives!

Have a fun day,

Mike Keller

Cartoons with a positive message! I do this when I am bored (wierd)

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