Birthing story...
As most of you know I had a repeat C-section. When I had Willie I was in labor for two whole days because they induced me and the doctors thought a vaginal delivery would be the best way to go. Little man had different plans. On the third day we had an emergency c-section because my cervix was too small. I ended up having to be put under anesthesia since my epidural was only working on one side of my body. It was the scariest moment in my life, everything was so fast pace and hectic.
Olivia's entrance was much more calm.. We went in at 7:45am, I was prepped and back in the O.R by 10:30am... Since we knew I was going to have a c-section, I had a different type of epidural and it worked wonderfully. A little pressure and a bunch of "tugging" later, I heard my babygirl cry for the first time! To say it was magical is an understatement... Moments later I was sewed up and on my way to the recovery room with our new little princess. When they wheeled me in, the first thing I saw was Curt in tears holding our daughter in the rocking chair with such pride in his eyes.... Well most of it was pride, the rest was fear LOL. We know having a little girl is a whole different rodeo. Not completely sure if we're ready for the ride but ready or not, time to saddle up! I was only in the hospital for two days after I had her.
Our new home life...
As soon as Willie saw his sissy he was excited to give her a big slobbery kiss. Mouth opened wide, slobber streaming, me smiling from ear to ear! His mouth covered her entire face lol. I'm pretty sure he thought she was a babydoll at first but then she moved, woah! He was only able to spend a few hours with us... A hospital room isn't the best place for a active toddler!
When we came home he was ecstatic to see mommy and daddy but a little confused as to why we had to bring the babydoll home from that place! I mean he already had plenty of toys, right? haha! He didn't acknowledge her much right away but the first time I changed her diaper and she started crying the "big brother" in him came out quick. He was hitting my leg repeating "noooooo" with a worried look in his eyes as he watched her closely. I tried to explain to him that she had to get a dipey change and she was okay. I kissed her, he kissed her, soon all was well!
She turned a week old November 12th and at this point shes just another member of the family, like she's been here all our life. Willie is a wonderful big brother, checks on her when she's fussing, gives her a paci and sometimes helps me feed her by holding the bottle. He's very gentle with her except when he's all hyped up and playing then decides to give her a little "patting" which is sometimes too rough for my liking but all we have to say is "eaassyyyy" and he calms down and is back to being gentle. As of right now though, I think we've both decided she's pretty boring. LOL ;)
We're currently staying with my mom until I heal up a little more but my incision is looking great and healing up as quickly, if not quicker than it did after I had Willie.