Friday, May 23, 2014

Be careful what you post online!

Tonight Nusrit also known as "Nelly" sent me a facebook message letting me know that she recently found out about  video on YouTube that we were unknowingly in. Apparently a guy named Bill decided to inform people that there are no such thing as "snake babies" they were just H.I babies! How darling of him, right? Well I didn't think so, neither did my friends and family and most "strangers" that keep up with my family. Whats worse is that he included a picture of my baby boy! I mean, I know hes pretty dang perfect and all and sure I didn't look half bad myself to have just been in labor for 3 days and gave birth to a chunkybutt ;) but I'd like for him to ask permission or maybe not compare me to a snake baby but ya know, that's just me!

When I first saw this video I'll admit I was livid! I instantly called my momma (what else is a girl to do?) in tears. I felt so helpless, so insulted, taken advantage of to say the least. I've always wanted to help people.. Even if its just inspire them to be proud of who they are. I know God didn't create me and plan everything about me so I could sit at home and watch Friends everynight. Sure, I enjoy Friends and even George Lopez sometimes if I'm having a wild night and feel like staying up past 10pm! But I know God wants me to do more. I was born to help, educate, inspire, spread my testimony and be a mommy to two perfect kids!

As you probably guessed the video comments weren't going to be featured on "WORLDS KINDEST PEOPLE" anytime soon. (Okay, so I made that up).  Some of my favorite were-
"This is real, her mom was on heavy heavy drugs while pregnant."
"That's no skin disease, that's a curse from the devil!"
"Who the h*ll would f*ck her!?"
...Yep, they're sweet sweet souls! <3

I was so torn when I saw everything. One day Willie and Olivia will grow up and be on the internet. If I'm lucky they'll be writing, on some website playing Mario Bros. but they more than likely will be average kids or teens and be watching videos, listening to music and on whatever social network is cool at the time. I've learned that once something is on the internet, it doesn't come off. What if my kids or my kids friends stumble across the video? "Oh hey dude, saw your baby picture on a video last night! Your moms hot but why people think shes a alien made from the devil?". Poor Willie! (Just added in the "your moms hot" to make myself feel a little better! LOL) No kids want to hear that about their mom! What if he saw the hateful things people say? He'll hear enough without that video!

But I also want him to be proud of himself and his family. I want him to know people CAN be mean, cruel and plain ole hateful. Its his job to be one of the sweet people, people who don't judge, say hurtful things and I want him to be strong, confident, happy. I want him to know he's blessed in many ways and so dang lucky to have a red mommy cause not many other kids have one! LOL!!

After flip-flopping back and forth with my emotions and decisions I think I've decided to keep all the social media I have. Just be more careful about tagging pictures with my websites name and adding people to my personal facebook. I also messaged darling Bill and I have to say I'm very proud of how lady-like I remained throughout the entire message!

Watch Bills video here. Also read a wonderful post from Carly Findlay who also has Ichthyosis! The post helped me a lot tonight! 

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