When I was born the doctors were very shocked of course and they immediately wheeled my mom into a tiny room and she pretty much just had to hang out there for a while, meanwhile nurses and doctors were constantly coming in and telling her to be thinking about funeral arrangements for me because the chances of me surviving were slim to none.... and closer to "none". They literally had to blow off the dust of this huge medical book which had a tiny paragraph talking about H.I. It was very little info because babies usually didn't live longer than a few minutes or hours due to infection, dehydration, skin tightening around the chest which causes suffocation, etc.. Babies affected with Harlequin are born with extremely thick plates of skin with deep red fissures over their entire bodies. This thick skin pulls tightly, causing deformed facial features. The eyes are pulled so tightly that the lids are flipped inside out and bright red from irritation. Often the nose and ears are barely able to be seen under the plates of skin. And the fingers and toes are contracted and shortened due to the pulling of the thick skin. With time, the original skin will peel off, leaving red and flaky skin underneath. Although, dehydration, temperature changes and infection will always be a concern for people affected with Harlequin Ichthyosis because their epidermis doesn't regulate their own body temperature, hold in moisture or keep out bacteria.
Thanks to God, my strong determined momma and great doctors- I've beat the odds! Not only by living more than a few days but living 21 years! I was raised to not feel sorry for myself, what good does that do? Instead- laugh when you feel like crying, be hard headed, don't give up.. Most importantly, have faith! Have faith in God, he made you... He took his time to create every little part of you. That nose that you think is too big? Forehead that's too wide? Zits that just wont stay away? God loves it! He knows it's beautiful! You're beautiful. You need to know that and never ever forget it.
Just a few accomplishments in my life? (In order of which they occurred)
-Scored a Cabbage Patch doll from my first crush in Kindergarten! (Playaaa playaaa)
-Had a cutie chase down my wig that blew off while playing outside at recess! (Also kindergarten! My wigs never really been a secret)
-Was a cheerleader for 4 years in middle school!
-Homecoming maid for 3 or 4 years as well!
-Had my first super serious relationship at 16
-Broken heart at 17.9! (so close to 18!) lol.
-Fell in love at 18 1/2
-Married at 19 (when you know, you know!)
-Had my son at 20! Was the 1st person with H.I to ever have a baby!
-Having my daughter at 21. :)
Most people are so shocked that I've had such a "normal" life. I truly think life is what you make it. Granted I'm beyond blessed and live in a very small southern town where everyone knows everyone so I'm not meeting tons of new people everyday but don't think for a minute I haven't put up with an outrageous amount of stares, whispers, nudges to a friend to "look at her face", ridiculous questions, silly assumptions and insulting comments. You learn to deal with it in your own way. Some people get mad, some people get hurt, some people roll their eyes and keep walking.. Some people like myself try to educate people on what my skin disorder is. If they're still rude then sometimes ya gotta get rude back! To each their own.
Think that's the end of my story? Not even close! Follow my blog to follow my little family's journey through this crazy world. Husband, mommy, 1 year old son and baby girl on the way! Life's fun! :)