Showing posts with label mommylife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mommylife. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Willie is ONE!

On May 25, 2014 I became a mommy to a ONE year old! Such a bittersweet moment for me... My baby boy is now my baby big-boy! The day I found out I was pregnant I fell in love with him, I fell in love with this sweet little miracle that I was growing inside of me. Little did I know I would fall even more in love with him when I held him in my arms! He was 7lbs 10oz when he was born, today he's over 27lbs and completely my life.

In one short year he has grown so much! Heck, he's made me grow and I'm not just talking about making my butt wide. Haha! In one year he has gotten such an amazing personality, he's always laughing and smiling, he never meets a stranger and loves making new friends. Since we stay at home all day he don't meet TOO many new kids but boy when he does he lights up! Sometimes we visit my momma at her pre-school/dayschool and he goes to the baby room and goes straight to playing and doesn't even acknowledge me (alright, I admit it makes me a little sad lol) and in the nursery at our church he always heads straight to the little blue eyed blonde haired sweet babygirl that's in there and when we leave he's playing trucks with a sweet little boy! He's such a flirt already, there's no doubt that I'll have my hands full in a few years. All I can do is raise a gentleman and pray like crazy! lol. 

He loves outside. The trees, the birds, all animals (even though cats tend to hate him! lol) and ain't scared of anything!.... Could be a bad thing or a good thing, we'll see! He is a climber and thinks its HILARIOUS to scare the crap out of me. His favorite food is by far sweet potatoes and cheetos. Hates green food like his momma but we're gonna have to fix that. He only takes a few steps at a time right now because he gets a little nervous but he's taking more steps everyday which of course is giving me a heart-attack. He loves phones and can spot one across the room, under a pillow, pretty much anywhere even if it's not lit up. Refuses to play with old phones that doesn't work, the ones I'd let him play with! Funny story: he had my phone the other day and when I got it and noticed it, he was FaceTiming with a facebook friend! lol. He loves figuring out how things work, wheels, trucks, tractors and throwing and catching a ball. Even though his "catching" is actually getting hit in the head and laughing about it. lol.. 

He can say momma, dad, daddy, bye, hey, papaw, Donna (his mamaws name) & he's been saying bubba for a while although I'm not sure why because he's getting a sissy! haaha. Ya know how if you say "no" and move something or distract a baby with something they'll usually forget what they were doing? Well not ol' Willie, after he's done playing he'll return to whatever he got in trouble with! Before he does something he's not supposed to do he'll look at me to make sure I'm not looking and if I am he'll grin for ear to ear and quit lol. He's a mess I'm telling ya! Rotten!! :)

As you may can tell, I'm pretty fond of him and pretty sure I'm gonna keep him. hahaha! He's my favorite little boy in the whole wide universe!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Wildman Willie and playing catch-up!

Babyboy is 7 months old and crawling EVERYWHERE he's not supposed to. He looks at me with hims big ol' dark eyes and smiiiiiles that gummy smile from ear to ear when he sees me looking at him, haha! He knows he isn't supposed to be wherever he's at but he can't hardly help himself! Hes just so rotten..

Also just some more updates since I have free time on my hands (Willies in bed for the night)-
>Willie loves almost everyone he meets and acts like he's known them forever.
>He is getting more and more to where he doesn't like me to leave him very long.
>Since 2 months he's slept all night long.
>He's almost NEVER up past 8:00pm, he made his own bedtime and sticks to it.
>He loves:
>Car rides
>Going outside (alot)
>Public places (stores, church, etc..)
>Stuffed animals
>TV but especially Jake & The Neverland Pirates, Mickey Mouse & Dora!
>Stuffed animals and especially his mommy/daddy bear- Milo! (Build-a-bear)

He's always so happy and patient while I'm taking a bath which is usually atleast an hour long while he's drinking a bottle in his little baby bouncer/chair beside the bathtub. We'll talk (or jabber) about some pretty serious stuff, sing a few songs and maybe take a nap.

Curt works from 1am-1pm so his schedule is: 11pm get up and go to work, 1pm get off, 2pm get home, 5pm go to bed. So our schedules mean daddy doesn't get to spend much time with us. We wake up at 7am and Willie is usually asleep by 8:00. Luckily, he gets off on Mondays and Tuesdays. Yay! :)

I'm pretty sure I've updated ya'll on most everything so if yall have any questions and I'll answer them on my next post. I'm getting more freetime now since I'm learning to get my own self in a schedule! Getting Willie on one was the easy part!! haha :)

Follow me and Willie on instagram for more pictures! @StephUncut & twitter @StephUncut