Hey Friends! I'm trying something new for me! This year I am playing along with the scrappy game, Calvin Ball. If you want more details check out the Facebook forum Calvinball 2020. Basically the idea is to create a layout a day during the month of March. I know I cannot commit completely to this timeframe, but I'm going to do my best. Even if it's just to simply boost my creativity.
And just like the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, each day, no rules are the same. We really get to mix it up.
"6 AM"
This layout is all about how Cam loves to be the first one ready for school each day. He is often up at 6am waiting for the rest of the crew to wake from their slumber!
The rules for Day 1: use a frame, white gel pen title, star and gold foil.
Thanks for visiting..x