Superheroes in Training

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Dinosaur Museum

In an attempt to make MD's dreams come true we took him to the dinosaur museum a couple of weeks ago and let me tell you- He LOVED it! I am impressed with the collection they had there. Surprisingly the thing that impressed me the most was a giant sloth! It was HUGE. The boys liked pretty much everything and we had a hard time keeping them off of the exhibits (We failed)

I think it is pretty neat to see the size difference between us and the dinos.
The gigantic sloth
being eaten

And I just love this picture of Hyrum- He looks way to excited :)
And to finish the day we let them go to the mall and ride on a train.

1 comment:

Rollins Family said...

I love the pictures. It looks like a ton of fun. We will have to try going.