Superheroes in Training

Friday, May 21, 2010

A day outside + some :)

The weather in here is really starting to heat up! it stays nice and cool until about 11:30 (which is why the boys are in long sleeves) and then you start sweating. I cannot wait until I can give these boys a back yard-or just some yard :) right now we play in a little fenced off area behind our apartment complex.

Right now the boys are into sticks, dirt and ripping leaves off trees. Usually I just sit and read a book while they demolish whatever they chose to play with at the time.
I don't know what these kids would do without the other-Both are so board without the other around!

Hyrum is always so willing to pose

Michael on the other hand refuses to let me take any pictures :) At least not when there are so many other things around to distract him.

When I downloaded all these pictures onto our computer a few more showed up that I had forgotten we had taken.
This one was taken by Michael when a friend and I went out for a lunch. He volunteered to babysit and we came home to some happy campers.
MD wearing his daddy's old work glasses

And last here are my little super-heroes
MD and I had this conversation a couple of weeks ago.
MD: (Pointing at a broken picture frame sitting on my counter) "Mommy I fix da picture!"
ME: "No Michael, mommy will fix the picture"
MD: "No I fix da picture!"
ME: "No mommy will fix it!"
MD: "NO!! I fix da picture-Mommy fix dinner!"

nothing like being put in place by a three year old :)


Daniel said...

love how michael already knows his place in life, lol

Joel and Crystal said...

They are getting so big!!! And the dinosaur museum looks SO cool! How fun! Love you Laurie!!!

Ivy said...

Your boys are so cute! From the pictures it looks like they are full of energy - but so sweet! I hope you're enjoying it!

Anonymous said...

You have some seriously handsome boys there Laurie!!! Goodness gracious...they are beautiful. And chock-full of personality to boot!