Superheroes in Training

Friday, May 21, 2010

A day outside + some :)

The weather in here is really starting to heat up! it stays nice and cool until about 11:30 (which is why the boys are in long sleeves) and then you start sweating. I cannot wait until I can give these boys a back yard-or just some yard :) right now we play in a little fenced off area behind our apartment complex.

Right now the boys are into sticks, dirt and ripping leaves off trees. Usually I just sit and read a book while they demolish whatever they chose to play with at the time.
I don't know what these kids would do without the other-Both are so board without the other around!

Hyrum is always so willing to pose

Michael on the other hand refuses to let me take any pictures :) At least not when there are so many other things around to distract him.

When I downloaded all these pictures onto our computer a few more showed up that I had forgotten we had taken.
This one was taken by Michael when a friend and I went out for a lunch. He volunteered to babysit and we came home to some happy campers.
MD wearing his daddy's old work glasses

And last here are my little super-heroes
MD and I had this conversation a couple of weeks ago.
MD: (Pointing at a broken picture frame sitting on my counter) "Mommy I fix da picture!"
ME: "No Michael, mommy will fix the picture"
MD: "No I fix da picture!"
ME: "No mommy will fix it!"
MD: "NO!! I fix da picture-Mommy fix dinner!"

nothing like being put in place by a three year old :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Dinosaur Museum

In an attempt to make MD's dreams come true we took him to the dinosaur museum a couple of weeks ago and let me tell you- He LOVED it! I am impressed with the collection they had there. Surprisingly the thing that impressed me the most was a giant sloth! It was HUGE. The boys liked pretty much everything and we had a hard time keeping them off of the exhibits (We failed)

I think it is pretty neat to see the size difference between us and the dinos.
The gigantic sloth
being eaten

And I just love this picture of Hyrum- He looks way to excited :)
And to finish the day we let them go to the mall and ride on a train.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Figuring some things out

The last couple of days (Since Woman's Conference and my mom left) I have had a lot of things on my mind. The Conference was full of things I needed to hear and I learned alot about myself.

As I have struggled (and struggled and struggled) trying to be a good mother I am constantly failing. As I constantly fail (Though I should look at it as constantly learning) I have realized I have a hard time looking at families who appear to have it all together. There is nothing wrong with having it all together-Heavens knows I am constantly trying to appear that way, but for me I have started looking towards the families that are obviously struggling to give me comfort.

I feel somewhat silly posting this since I have 2 children, both still in all accounts still babies, but I never realized as I made the decision almost 4 years ago to get pregnant that I was signing on to do the hardest, the most emotional job of my life. There is nothing like having children to make you feel completely inadequate and under qualified for this job of motherhood. More and more I have ended up on my knees begging for some clue as to how I should raise these boys. Most of the time the answer I get is to keep failing. That sounds funny but what I mean is to keep trying because sometimes that is how the Lord directs us-he lets us fail over and over until we get it right.

I have also learned some unpleasant things about myself. There was one talk in particular at conference that hit me so close to home that I know I was suppose to hear it. This woman talked about (among many other things) the way we look at ourselves and other women. I have realized that not only do I hold myself to ridiculous standards that no person can live up to, but I judge myself based on how the world sees me. The world has ridiculous standards it holds women to and the message it sends is always that we are not good enough. I take this worlds view and warp it into what I consider to be the perfect me-and when I fail at becoming that I beat myself up. This perfect Laurie is super skinny (border line anorexic probably) beautiful, a wonderful creative mother who spends all her free time teaching them wonderful life lessons in a way that is unique and special to each child. She is a gourmet cook who can make healthy meals that pleases the whole family. On top of all that This unrealistic Laurie excels at her church callings, loves visiting teaching goes to the temple on a regular basis and has a cheerful attitude every time something goes wrong.

Most of those attributes are not wrong to aspire to but it does keep me from loving this imperfect, normal size, normal looking mother who tries her best to teach as well as she can who's cooking seldom pleases her boys, and unfortunately who has a hard enough time actually completing her church assignments on a monthly basis that excelling is definitely a long way off.

This is more of an entry to help me sort out me own thoughts then as an update. I do know that in my constant failings one things has stood out to me. I have been told over and over again that the Lord chose me to do this job and that he has confidence in my imperfect self-and maybe it is my imperfections that will help shape me into the mother I am suppose to be.

I know my children are wonderful gifts to me-I know that I have the potential in me to become a queen. I also know if the Lord only sent children to the perfect mothers out there, very few of us would have children. I also think that I am suppose to learn just as much if not more from my children then they are suppose to learn from me.