My kids requested sushi for their lunch bento so this time I made ELMO ^_^ Actually I use small packet of seaweed to combine it into big sheet of seaweed to made sushi =_=" I thought have one more new pack of sushi seaweed but who knows when I want to take out from my cupboard noticed only left those little packets! blur!!! But I don't want to disappoint my kids so just try out arrange those small sheets seaweed together and made.....if unsuccessful today I won't post any lunch bento! hahaha....Thank goodness it was a SUCCESS but waste of time :p
To made ELMO, I mixed the rice with ketchup. Cheese for ELMO white eyeballs that I used cutter and punch nori for black eyeballs. Carrot for nose and freehand cut out nori for mouth.
Broccoli, ham as flower then I used flower cutter to cut out carrots and sweet potato. Sweet sauce at bunny sauce container. I hope you will like this ELMO sushi bento ^_^
Tomorrow onwards I will have one week breaks (Kids school holidays). I'll bring my kids for a short trips and will continue bento-ing when my kids school reopen a week later. For those of you have Instagram or already my Follower can see my updates! I'll try to post some pictures during my short trip in KL. Tonight, I still will post one last bento snack! Hope you can visit my blog post again :) Cheers!