Showing posts with label Sesame Street. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sesame Street. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Bento2015#Jul07~Elmo Choir

Elmo sings: Do Re Mi Fa So ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Musical time for cute Elmo Choir ^_^ Making less food on Tuesday and this is super easy to create Elmo by using honey cherry tomato. 

A closer look of my Cherry tomato Elmo :) Cut out some cheese for eyes and just add nori for the details! I didn't add Elmo mouth as I find it much cuter :D
For side dishes have broccoli, chicken katsu and some grapes. I hope you like this simple Elmo Bento. 

I can't wait for the upcoming kids school final term holidays! Counting the days for my long bento break ^_^

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Bento2015#Jun30~Cookie Monster Bento

I still have some blue pea flower so better make another blue character. Is obvious that you can see I'm making Cookie Monster ^_^ Do you like this character? One of my favourite shows during my childhood. 
A closer look of the Cookie Monster make from blue pea flower extract with rice. Eyeballs is rice with nori. As for cookie.... make of pork cutlet that I cut out using circle cutter. 
Balance cut out pork cutler just add on one side of the container then cover up with stir-fried spinach with goji berry. Some grapes for her as well :)
Pretty less food since is Tuesday! I hope you like this small portion of Cookie Monster Bento.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Bento2014#Mar25~Elmo Onigiri Bento

As usual less food on Tuesday so I made simple onigiri with Elmo design on top ^_^ Elmo also one of my daughter's favourite when she was toddler but when I started making bento and introduced Hello Kitty to her. She prefers Kitty instead :D Well, more to girl theme I guess! But she still happy to see Elmo for her today's lunch.

Shape onigiri with chicken floss fillings inside with cling wrap then cover with nori. Elmo made from crabstick that I use cutter to cut out and add the nori details. Nose made from orange capsicum. 

I made another half body Elmo that stick on gyoza :) The body made from red capsicum and the rest of it from crabstick as well.

For side dishes: gyoza and spinach. Watermelon at another small container that I didn't take picture together :)

I hope today's Elmo Onigiri will brighten up your day! 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Bento#April04~Elmo Sushi Bento

 My kids requested sushi for their lunch bento so this time I made ELMO ^_^ Actually I use small packet of seaweed to combine it into big sheet of seaweed to made sushi =_=" I thought have one more new pack of sushi seaweed but who knows when I want to take out from my cupboard noticed only left those little packets! blur!!! But I don't want to disappoint my kids so just try out arrange those small sheets seaweed together and made.....if unsuccessful today I won't post any lunch bento! hahaha....Thank goodness it was a SUCCESS but waste of time :p
To made ELMO, I mixed the rice with ketchup. Cheese for ELMO white eyeballs that I used cutter and punch nori for black eyeballs. Carrot for nose and freehand cut out nori for mouth. 
 Broccoli, ham as flower then I used flower cutter to cut out carrots and sweet potato. Sweet sauce at bunny sauce container. I hope you will like this ELMO sushi bento ^_^ 
Tomorrow onwards I will have one week breaks (Kids school holidays). I'll bring my kids for a short trips and will continue bento-ing when my kids school reopen a week later. For those of you have Instagram or already my Follower can see my updates! I'll try to post some pictures during my short trip in KL. Tonight, I still will post one last bento snack! Hope you can visit my blog post again :) Cheers! 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Bento#Feb17~Sesame Street Bert & Ernie

Let's meet Sesame Street character~Bert & Ernie~ Since I have done Elmo, Cookie Monster and Big Bird before. Now can try out Bert and Ernie ^_^
I used the skin corn bread for Ernie face and nose. Crab stick for eyes and mouth.Freehand cut the nori for Ernie's hair and mouth. Small eyeballs used puncher to punch nori.
As for Bert, I used the corn bread for face and palm. Freehand cut the nori for hair (stick onto cheese and trace out using toothpick), mouth and eyebrows. Stick the crab stick to nori mouth. Used circle cutter to cut out white bread for eye balls and shirt colar. Freehand cut small cocoa bread for Bert shirt.
Some homebaked pineapple tarts. Honey cherry tomato and grapes. After done photo takings, my girl asked me where is Elmo? Gosh....looks like she wants the whole sesame street characters in her bento box ^_^ Cheers!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Bento#Jan10~Elmo again ^_^

Opps.....I make Elmo again ^_^ Today at my office, I saw my brother's son watching Sesame Street from Ipad and he loves "ELMO" character :D So today after my dinner, time to make bento snack... I took out this cream cupcake from the packets and my mind pop out Elmo singing the la la...elmo song etc....oh well, making ELMO bento for my girl and when she saw it asked me: Mummy, why ELMO again?? Then I answer: Opps...then this bento give kor kor (brother) ok? She replied: No!!! Kor kor doesn't like cute bento! I'll eat :) 
One of the Elmo mouth, I used scissor that already with design just cut the nori as mouth shape then stick to the cream cupcake. The white eyeballs used round shape cutter cut from the bread then stick the nori onto it and stick to cupcake :) Elmo nose used cooked carrot and used cutter to cut too! 
Well, the ELMO mouth freehand cut the nori and stick to the cream cupcake :) The rest of the step similar from the 1st ELMO.
Honey cherry tomato and prunes. I add "ELMO" letter picks!
 Edamame, cheese and bread for the musical note picks. Hope you will this simple ELMO bento!
This is not for my kids bento. I just want to share this photo that is our after meal dessert :p I bought these lovely jelly from wet market. Different colours with different flavours :) All taste so yummy that my kids requested must buy more next time! Cheers!

Bento#Jan09~Elmo & Cookie Monster Onigiri

Today school snack~Elmo & Cookie Monster~ Messy a bit for the cookie monster while arrange. No time to clean it so just leave it :p

I reheat the overnight cooked rice. Boiled some crab stick, carrots, edamame and star fishcake.
Take some of the cooked rice mixed with tomato ketchup. To shape it, I used plastic foil to shape elmo head. Next the eyes, also used the plastic foil to shape two small eyeballs then used small spaghetti strips to stick onto the head. (My girl knows when she ate the spaghetti, she will remove it.) Black eyeball used round dot puncher to cut the nori then stick to the white rice. Elmo nose used cooked carrot cut into oval shape. Freehand cut the nori for elmo mouth. Underneath Elmo, I put some cooked rice to the inari skin then add nori sprinkles. Put Elmo on top :)
Cookies Monster!!! Same way of making except the cooked rice mixed with blue pea flower color. The black eyeballs just make it silly for Cookie Monster. I tried to put Cookie Monster onto the inari rice properly but slightly touch the sprinkles so looks messy :( Oh well, after all she going to time to clean it! Rush rush rush....
I still have some roti-canai or indian pancake at my freezer so I'm making Spring Onion Eggroll with roti-canai. Boiled the star fishcake and arrange the edamame together with carrots. Slice some Persimmon then arrange it.
 I don't have the time to take picture for the step by step. The above photo was taken last year by making own pastry. Just skip the making pastry part by pan-fried the roti-canai first. Then continue step No. 4 by putting the cooked roti-canai on top of the egg then flip over to rolled. Perhaps some of you already know the making :) Pardon me for the poor photo taking :p
Hope you all will like my girl's bento lunch~Elmo & Cookie Monster~ onigiri ^_^ Cheers!