Showing posts with label housekeeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label housekeeping. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Work Space

What’s Jack up to? Well, you know Jack so no surprise, he’s up to his old tricks. He got sick and threw up the other day. Could it be because the Dear Twins are home and he’s getting into their secret stash of treats from school? He got into the DS’s bookbag and found a bunch of candy while we were out and I came home to candy wrappers all over the floor. I wasn’t happy with Jack or the DS for that one.

Thank you all so much for your support on my Keeping It Real post yesterday. I’m not sure where it will lead but I do appreciate it. Today I’d like to do an update on an old post Visualization where I talked about wanting to add a writing desk to my already tight bedroom. Well, while the Twins were in Paris last week and I had the DH home I decided to move a bit of furniture around. Too bad it was when the DH was trying to take a much longed for nap that I came up with this plan (shrug).

Oh well after much nudging, we moved his chest of drawers over and took the TV off the, could be antique, sewing table that was its stand (yes there is a real sewing machine in here). Then I made the sewing table my desk. Sure it’s itty bitty but works for now until I find another I like. And I quickly put up my little inspiration board. Next up a nice tall skinny shelf for the pile of books and papers to the left that you can't see.
But now to deal with this pesky problem of writer’s block that I’m having. More on that later…

Have a fantastic day!


Thursday, January 28, 2010


For a while now I’ve been visualizing a revamp of my bedroom. One that includes a bit of paint and a little writing space for me and maybe the dreamy possibility of some shelves for some of my many book and piles. Now I’m not sure how I’ll get that to fit in my small space but I have some ideas.

You see I’ve tried writing in other spaces in my house but my bedroom is my sanctuary and I’m my most creative in there (Stop your thinking right there. This blog is family friendly, well, most days)

So here are a few pics that I have been dreaming on.

Speaking of pretty spaces there is a cool competition going on at Apartment Therapy called the Big Window Challenge and blogger and decornista, Eddie Ross is entered. Today is the last day to cast your vote. You can go here and check out Eddie and the rest of the competition. That gorgeous bag on the chair alone deserves a nod don't ya think?

Have fun and what projects are you visualizing today?


Thursday, January 14, 2010

This Woman's Work

This gorgeous painting from French painter Martin Drolling in 1815 reminds me of all the work I need to do around the house today. What about you? What's on your agenda today?


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hose Down

Today I'm wishing I could just hose down my house. It needs a serious cleaning something like this:
I just don't have the energy and really I'd like to be spending my time just writing and not with a mop and bucket. Sigh.

When will they make a wash and wear house? Come on, 2010 is right around the corner people! I bet they have something like it in Japan or maybe even Epcot. Hmm...


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Best Laid Plans

I started out with the best of intentions, really, I did!

Somewhere around 12:30 it all seemed to go downhill.

Once I got all my junk off my way too cluttered dresser and onto my bed I made the mistake of dumping the bins from the floor that had been filled with other random piles of junk (from said dresser) onto the bed too.

That's when I realized my bin/pile method was not working and I needed a slim drawer system also a new jewelry system for all my baubles in random mini bins. Ugh!

This suddenly called for a run to the store.
4 stores and hours later I was left with nothing but the same messy pile on the bed and nothing but disappointment. So sad.

Don't you hate it when a plan doesn't come together?

Oh well, the joys of domestic life. Guess I'll try again today...maybe.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

DIY- Weekend

Happy Sunday! What's Jack up to? Jack was up bright and early although no one else was. He was ready to go and enjoy the crazy warm weather in NY.

The DH and I were wiped out from our little DIY project yesterday of weather proofing our deck. Honestly, he did most of the work. As you can see from the above pic Jack did none. Brushing weatherproof on all those slats take a lot of time.

Now I know why people pay the big buck to get it done by someone and yes, it did take extra trips back to Home Depot because we didn't buy nearly enough. Ugh.

Oh well, in the end, it was a job well done and money well saved.

Today it's onto garden work. Spring is here even though the thermometer says summer. Whew, slow it down Mother Nature.

Have a great day!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Knitting order

What's Jack up to? Jack busy being my live vacuum cleaner. Going around nibbling and licking things up off the floor. A sign of my poor housekeeping I'm sure. Thanks for the not so subtle hint, Jack.

Life is starting to feel terribly disordered. The bloom is off the rose of school already and the fangs are coming out on one of the dear teens. I tell ya, I'd love to always be one of those pretty young blogs, all sweet and pastel that talk about the bliss of domestic life and motherhood, but there are days when I just can't. I've got teens. Young teens. A boy and and girl and that means stress. So there.

I was doing some mommy blog hopping and honestly from what I can see from most of these pretty young blogs the moms have pretty young children so they are not living my life. This blog might be a lot prettier and a lot less driven toward my escape to non-reality tv if I my kids were 4 and not 14.

That said I'm feeling the need for some sort of order and control so I'm picking up another WIP for a few moments to soothe my mind and make me smile. Knitting anyone? I should at least be able to get these stitches in line if I can't my kids. At least this sock will be done.

What are some of your ways to de-stress?


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