Showing posts with label 80's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 80's. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Red Lipstick and a Pink Phone

Thanks so much for all your well wishes on my Good News post. You all are so wonderful. Big props to you!

I’m feeling all 80’s baby today. Young and fresh. And in the 80’s Duran Duran was at the top of my hit list. How much did I want to be a girl in any one of these videos? All red lipstick, pink phones and confidence.

I hope this last week of 2009 is going well for you. Rock it out!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The One Thing

I guess I’m feeling very 80’s today since for some reason and I’ve got this song running through my head. So of course I thought I’d share it with all of you.

So share with me. What’s The One Thing that you’ve got running through your mind today? Enquiring minds want to know…


Friday, April 24, 2009

Oh to be Young Again-80’s Babies

What Jack up to? Jack is looking forward to a sunny and warm weekend in NY. Yes! Long walks, rolling in the grass and barking at the neighbors. Happy Jack!

And Happy Friday! Congrats on making it through the week. Whew, made it. With this nutty week it was feeling a little touch and go there for a while.

I’m leaving you all this week with one of my favorite 80’s songs. Who Do You Love by Bernard Wright.

For the longest time I had forgotten about this old classic and then it suddenly one day jumped back into my head along with the video image of Bernard and the pretty girl spinning round and round. I remember this was in the opening scene of the groundbreaking Video Music Box. Does anybody else out there remember that show with DJ Ralph McDaniels? I'm talking to you N and C, R and M!

Well, I couldn’t remember the actual song title or artist and I was obsessed to find out so I got on the phone and called Tower records in The Village and actually sang the song to a couple of workers until I got another 80’s baby on the phone that knew in the first three badly sung words that it was Bernard Wright and I could happily get some sleep. True story.

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