'Iconatomy' collages by George Chamoun,
he cleverly combined 2 film icons from 2 different eras, quite amazing aren't they?
Planning to watch the the Oscars this weekend?
It's always fun to see all the stars on the red carpet I must say...
The glitz+glams Oscar fashion is still my favorite part of the night!


-Art ©George Chamoun via Skybambi 


Mistress Maddie said...

How very neat!!!! I was trying to guess them before I saw who they were.

Sécia Mischke said...

My husband and I really enjoyed these. Thanks for posting! Sooo excited for the Oscars tomorrow! Hugs!

♥ sécia

lamb and blonde said...

Interesting collages! I love the top image. The resemblance certainly is striking.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

it seems that you enjoy reading blogs with your hubby...that's beyond adorable i gotta say!!

leslie.jones said...

Those are really cool! Going to have to check out more of them...

Jan said...

Hoping to catch live streaming from red carpet - if I can stay awake!

Tracey said...

Wow, these are really interesting ... I'm going to check out the Oscars, but more often than not watch for the fashion. :)

A~B said...

Intriguing images!
I must agree, the oscar fashion is always a must watch!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

oh wow fascinating, very arty!

Christina said...

what clever pairings! very smart work.

stephiejane said...

those are amazing!!

McVal said...

WHOA! Awesome!

Unknown said...

These are incredible!

Jenny N said...

woah! That is so cool. I didn't read the captions at first and thought it was one person with some color taken out- they looked so good!

Christel @ Captivated by image said...

Brilliant! And yes I've thought about the look a likes from these persons (except for Angelina + Elizabeth)...

Kwana said...

Wow you find the coolest things. Thanks.

Caroline said...

OMG...those are so amazing!

Phoenix said...

These are incredible! I like how similar some of the personalities are as well... not just the faces but the persona's echoing each other. What an incredible idea!

Kimberley - Dream. Delight. Inspire. said...

Wow, these are so intriguing. I found myself starting at all of them in kind of a trance. They're so well done! Thanks for sharing. :)

Ben said...

Definitely cool! I like how he admits on his site that it took him an awful long time to find the right prints! Instead of just morphing the images...

Angela said...

oh my gosh, amazing!

Ruthie Ruth said...

Very cool collages! and funny how this morning I stumbled upon this "impossible celebrity couple" thing:

Ruthie Ruth said...

those collages are awesome!! and funny how this morning I stumbled upon this "impossible celebrity couple" pics check them out if you want

Sam said...

These are so well done! You can clearly see both of the stars in the mix but they work so well together! WOW!

Tamra {ever swoon} said...

How cool are those!!! Wow, I always saw a resemblance with those stars but now more than ever!

I'm sorry i've been blogging MIA, just launched my company and now i'm back on track. You can find me at everswoon.com

bytifani said...

interesting images thanks a lot


carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

amazing, really! love it! you always manage to find the best images. hope you have a lovely weekend, darling! xo

Mistress Maddie said...

Helooooooo, LenoreNevermore? Anybody home? I'll leave this here note of the table hoping all is fine......

Jo said...

he found great combinations, as far as the composition of the photographs go!

Andi of My Beautiful Adventures said...

Wow I love them!

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Those are so very cool- I love them

Mekkan said...

I haven't updated my blog, either yet I just wanted to drop you a line to see if you are fine.

David Toms said...

Absolutely adore these darling!

Sarade said...

very, very creative images!!

Diana said...

wow...these are super!!!!!!!!


Urban Fragments said...


Stacey said...

Where are you lovely lady? Hope all is well- Miss you! XX

McVal said...

Just thinking about you. I hope all is well and you're just taking a break...

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Thank you so much everyone!
I've been super busy to update this blog!
Much Love to all of you~

xo as always!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Sweet Lenore, I've finally gotten back to blogging and I see that you too have been on hiatus. Would love to see you blogging again too my dear :-) We miss your delightful presence! XO, Marsi

Jan said...

Good to know that you're okay LNM.
Busy Busy over here too!
(I did e-mail you BTW)
Take care.

Kwana said...

Hey there LNM just stopping by to say you are still on my feed and I'm thinking of you. Missing your wonderful updates and hope you are well :-)

Karena said...

So interesting; love to see artists thinking outside the box!

Art by Karena

Amy K said...

This is cool! Although... I would take James Dean over Robbert Pattinson any day. Great Blog! Would you like to follow each other?

Much Love,

Jeane M. said...

The first one really hit me that Natalie & Audrey looked very identical. Love this iconatomy discovery. Got my eye on your next posts.

Melanie said...

Wow that's absolutely crazy!! =) It almost looks exactly like the other person!! Pretty cool!!

Ergo - Blog

bron @ baby space said...

oh, these are wonderful. especially the first one -- love natalie and audrey!

Anonymous said...

I m always Looking for these kind of stuff, Sharing these kind of information is really helpful to all.Your blog is really nice simple and always provide valuable information to all users.Thanks a lot !