Showing posts with label Sharks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sharks. Show all posts

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sharks and Serenades

Going back to work sucks! Two people from my group called out sick today and another is coming in a few hours late. It's just me and Brad covering the desks. Sadly this is normal here. Thanks to the fact that our website runs slow I'm able to write a little while I wait for things to load and leave voice mails. Hopefully all the business will make the day go by faster and the next thing I know I'll be at the beer garden eating kielbasa. Mmmmm.

I promised Matt-Man a picture of the tan. I'm pretty sure he was hoping to see a little more than back but this is all you get today.

You can see how pale I used to be in this old WWC post.

I promised Spazoid Mike a shark. Here is one from the Atlantis Aquarium. He was nice.

Speaking of sharks. They scare the crap out of me. Casey wanted to swim with them and I think he is bat-shit crazy. At the water park they had a predator aquarium with two slides that went through it. They were great. One was a body slide that from the top as you get on looks like a huge drop directly into a pool of sharks. Of course it just takes you through a clear tunnel in the middle of the shark pool. It went so fast you couldn't really see the sharks surrounding you. The second slide required an innertube. You went down a drop and at the bottom it goes really slow through the clear tube and you see sharks swimming all around you. Not a good idea if you are claustrophobic. Some were lying right on top of the tube about a foot from our heads. That was pretty cool.

Last night I went to a Singer/songwriter showcase. It's a free weekly song club that a co-worker friend of mine is guest hosting this month. I had to check it out because Gustavo is one of those unfairly talented people that can do everything. Just a couple of years ago I was at his movie premier and last night I sat in the back of the crowd with my beer while he amazed the room. Not only can this guy play some guitar like you wouldn't believe he has an incredible voice. Sometimes it's a little Elvis Costello, sometimes it's Elvis Presley, most of the time it's unique Gustavo vocals. When the featured artist of the night started playing Gus jumped up to do some great harmonies and tambourine. His talent never caps.

The best part of the evening was when he announced the next song was for a friend that came out and it would be a late birthday gift. Next thing I know, he breaks into a beautiful rendition of Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime! That's right! He sang DEAN MARTIN'S biggest hit for my birthday gift! He did an amazing job. The whole time I had a huge smile on my face. I looked like a little kid. Good thing I was sitting behind everyone else so they didn't see how insane I looked. That was so unbelievably cool of Gus. It made my entire week.

Anybody want to go next week?