Showing posts with label Dean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dean. Show all posts

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Top Five

We all have a list, or at least we have thought about it, right? I thought I would attempt to make my list of living people that I think are incredibly beautiful beyond belief for whatever reason. I'm going to call it my Top Five list even though I really want to call it my Wish List.

I don't want to hurt Dean's feelings so I will just post a quick reminder before I begin that he is my number one dead or alive no matter what happens or who comes into existence.

Ahhh don't you just want to grab those hands and wrap them around you? Okay, now let's begin.

1) Tyson Beckford

2) Robert Redford

3) Steven Tyler

4) Angelina Jolie

5) Hey, what do you know? The number five position is still open. Maybe I should do a vote? I'll give you my list of honorable mentions and you all can help me decide.

Honorable Mentions:

Monday, August 11, 2008

He's Got Me Goin - meme

I'm doing a quick meme for my blog sis Ne. I don't intentionally do a lot of these but she implied very kindly that she would be happy if I did. So here it goes.
The “Rules:”

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. After you've answered all of the questions, tag 5 other people and then let them know they've been tagged to do the meme themselves. NO.

- IF SOMEONE SAYS "IS THIS OKAY" YOU SAY? My Heart Belongs To Daddy (Julie London)
- WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GUY/GIRL? Baby Face (Dean Martin)
- HOW DO YOU FEEL TODAY? Trail Of Broken Hearts (K.D. Lang)
- WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? I Just Wanna Make Love To You (Etta James)
- WHAT DO YOU OFTEN THINK ABOUT? Don’t Forget To Mess Around (Alberta Hunter)
- WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? Let’s Fall In Love (Diana Krall)
- WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Blinded By The Light (Manfred Mann’s Earth Band)
- WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? These Are The Days (Jamie Cullum)
- WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE? Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime (Dean Martin)
- WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU? Mrs. Robinson (Simon & Garfunkel)
- WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST? My Man (Billie Holiday)
- WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET? Glad And Sorry (The Faces)
- WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Travelin’ Blues (Dave Brubeck)
- WHAT SHOULD YOU POST THIS AS? He’s Got Me Goin (Bessie Smith)

This really is the song order that came up. I didn't skip anything. Some are sort of fitting to the topic like Band of Gold for the wedding. Even though the song content implies a horrible wedding. I also found it amusing that my life's purpose is to make love to you. I guess I'm going to be very busy. Some of the answers don't make sense at all. In the end you at least get a peak into my music player to see what sort of stuff pops up. That was interesting. Thanks Ne!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sharks and Serenades

Going back to work sucks! Two people from my group called out sick today and another is coming in a few hours late. It's just me and Brad covering the desks. Sadly this is normal here. Thanks to the fact that our website runs slow I'm able to write a little while I wait for things to load and leave voice mails. Hopefully all the business will make the day go by faster and the next thing I know I'll be at the beer garden eating kielbasa. Mmmmm.

I promised Matt-Man a picture of the tan. I'm pretty sure he was hoping to see a little more than back but this is all you get today.

You can see how pale I used to be in this old WWC post.

I promised Spazoid Mike a shark. Here is one from the Atlantis Aquarium. He was nice.

Speaking of sharks. They scare the crap out of me. Casey wanted to swim with them and I think he is bat-shit crazy. At the water park they had a predator aquarium with two slides that went through it. They were great. One was a body slide that from the top as you get on looks like a huge drop directly into a pool of sharks. Of course it just takes you through a clear tunnel in the middle of the shark pool. It went so fast you couldn't really see the sharks surrounding you. The second slide required an innertube. You went down a drop and at the bottom it goes really slow through the clear tube and you see sharks swimming all around you. Not a good idea if you are claustrophobic. Some were lying right on top of the tube about a foot from our heads. That was pretty cool.

Last night I went to a Singer/songwriter showcase. It's a free weekly song club that a co-worker friend of mine is guest hosting this month. I had to check it out because Gustavo is one of those unfairly talented people that can do everything. Just a couple of years ago I was at his movie premier and last night I sat in the back of the crowd with my beer while he amazed the room. Not only can this guy play some guitar like you wouldn't believe he has an incredible voice. Sometimes it's a little Elvis Costello, sometimes it's Elvis Presley, most of the time it's unique Gustavo vocals. When the featured artist of the night started playing Gus jumped up to do some great harmonies and tambourine. His talent never caps.

The best part of the evening was when he announced the next song was for a friend that came out and it would be a late birthday gift. Next thing I know, he breaks into a beautiful rendition of Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime! That's right! He sang DEAN MARTIN'S biggest hit for my birthday gift! He did an amazing job. The whole time I had a huge smile on my face. I looked like a little kid. Good thing I was sitting behind everyone else so they didn't see how insane I looked. That was so unbelievably cool of Gus. It made my entire week.

Anybody want to go next week?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Man Of My Obsession

It's been awhile since I last went off on a tangent about the love of my life. Long time readers know exactly who I'm talking about. That's right, I'm talking about the king of cool and the sexiest man to have ever lived DEAN MARTIN. Oh my beautiful Dino, my obsession with you gets stronger all the time. Wait, I just remembered Jay and Jo were going to drive across country with me so I can lay across his grave. Remember Jo? You promised to pack snacks and not remove my leather boots. *Sigh* what a wonderful trip that would be.

This is one of my favorite Dino songs. He is such a goofy bastard he screws up the whole thing and it's perfectly delightful that way.

Hilarious. It makes me want to sit in his lap.

Here is another little bit of gorgeousness for you.


Well, my day is much brighter now.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Leather Obsession -
The smell. The feel. The overall kick ass look. I love leather. Every single coat I own is leather. My shoes and bags, wait, I think every purse I have is leather. I also have a thing for animal prints but that is probably just a faze. Leather is forever.
Looking like a hooker in central park.

Coffee Obsession-
I'm an addict. I drink it at work and then I go home to my fabulous Green Mountain Coffee one cup brewer that can get my fix to me in less than thirty seconds. I will drink it in any form but I prefer it black. Around this time last year I was drinking at least three large cups a day at work alone and now I have cut it down to one so I won't twitch as much. I'm very proud of my control.

Dean Martin Obsession-
If Dino was still alive today I wouldn't be blogging. I would be too busy stalking him. I've said it a million times before, he is the perfect male specimen. His voice makes me melt and watching him perform is such a turn on. I even think he was hot when he was close to death and looked like a green corpse. Honestly this obsession is so out of control I can't even continue writing about it.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

For Gwen

and anyone else that can't use the "giving it to him" link in the previous post.

It just connects you with this lovely picture. Awwwwwwwww.........

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Oh Jerry.....

Quick post today.

I read here that Jerry Lewis made an anti-gay slur during the 18th hour of his annual telethon for Muscular Dystrophy. Everybody got upset and started yelling at the poor guy. COME ON PEOPLE! I don't think he meant it like that. He is 80 something and you know the love of my life Dino was giving it to him back in the day when they first got together. Hell, he wrote the book Dean & Me (a true love story). I think he was so overcome with emotion and exhaustion that he was thinking back on the good old days. I know I would!