Showing posts with label Nipple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nipple. Show all posts

Friday, October 3, 2008

Pink Month!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I want to ask all you lovely readers to look out for yourselves and the ladies in your lives. Early detection is important so make sure you get your exams and stay on top of it. An easy way to remember is with an Early Detection Plan. Go sign up and they will inform you via phone, rss reader, text, or e-mail, whenever your next appointment should be and what you should do next. It's that easy! Go ahead and do it. I'll wait here.

Monday, July 7, 2008

If I make the promise I have to do it, right?

I've been intending to do my first Vlog for awhile now and I keep putting it off because I don't exactly know how to upload the video and get it on my blog. I'm sure it will end up taking me all of ten minutes to figure it out but I'm pretty damn lazy. One of the main problems is that I have not decided what to Vlog about. So, this is the promise; When I get home tonight I'll put something together and post my first Vlog tomorrow morning. It would really help if you gave me some suggestions. Before you all start getting pervy on me, I'm not doing any nudity. You will have to visit my Naked Knight Blog for that.

You didn't really fall for that did you?

Did I use that semicolon correctly? I don't claim to know how to write but it's good to try branching out and waiting for the grammar fairies/moths to find you. The semicolon is the least of my problems.

My neurologist told me he would prefer if I didn't drink. Ever. WHAT? Okay, I already knew he recommended I drink very, very little but I didn't completely listen to that and now I have to take it seriously that alcohol might be bringing on the seizures. I don't consider myself a heavy drinker by any means. I don't think anyone would... in the last couple years anyway. The problem is, I really enjoy wine and beer. Not in the drinking massive amounts of cheap crap way. I like trying new things and exploring the details of the flavors. I like learning about how it was made. I enjoy the work put into it. Do I need to go to AA? I'm mad. I'm mad at my body for not allowing me to enjoy something that I don't think I abuse. I'm mad that this is happening at 25. I'm mad that I keep bitching about it when so many other people have it far worse than me. Dear Brain, you suck! Love, Me. End Rant.

Eh! My coffee tastes like cilantro! That statement seems oddly familiar. Hmmmm....

I gave you plenty of time. Did you come up with a Vlog suggestion? Feel free to chime in Lurkers. I know you're in here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Tale Of The Hairy Nipple

I was told a little story last night. I was told a little story that is supposedly true and that will now haunt me for the rest of my life. If you are one to get queasy please do not continue reading.

No really just stop.

Still with me? Okay then.

I can't remember why he even thought of it but on the train last night I was told a tale of a man and his nipple. Supposedly this is a friend of a friend of a well, you know. I'm sure this is in the 30th person by now. Anyway, this friend of whomever had found a hair coming out of his nipple. That isn't so unusual for a guy right? Well, he decides he doesn't want it there so he tries to pull it out. He pulled it and it kept coming, more and more. This guy kept pulling this really long hair out of his nipple until he passed out. Turns out that wasn't any hair. It was a nerve!

I have to ask. When you got to the end of this tale what was your reaction? I keep telling people the story and so far I find that guys just laugh. Women are horrified and usually clutch their chest begging to know why I would tell them something so gruesome.

I really hope this never happened.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Never a boring moment.

Well, the demon took over again Thursday morning. I was waking up to Casey's alarm and the next thing I know I'm paralyzed and listening to him tell me in a panicked voice that he was there and everything would be okay. Next thing I remember I'm sitting in his living room in my underwear and his wifebeater staring at his roommate and two paramedics that are asking me really hard questions like "What year is it?" Then I had my first ride in an ambulance! I remember very little. Anyway, I'm on drugs now and they make me very, very sleepy. Mmmmm druuuuugs.

I didn't get to meet my broker on Thursday so the place I was interested in viewing was already gone. When we went out on Friday I found this fantastic new place that is far too expensive and I MUST have it! I should find out today if I will be moving to 103 and Broadway. If all goes well parties will ensue immediately!

Friday night I saw Spacey Mooning which I thought was amazing. He is amazing. I also think Jason is amazing. He is the one who got the tickets and then sang a song or two at the Piano bar afterwards. Natalie met up with us after the show but I was only able to stay awake for a short time before the meds made me crash. I hate being a party pooper.

I had my hair cut and highlighted Saturday to make me feel like a human girl again. It worked a little. That was the birthday gift from mom. On Sunday Casey took me out to get my birthday gift from him. I am now the proud owner of a barbell in my left nipple! I must admit. I love it. He got a tongue piercing which looks really hot.
It was an interesting couple of days. Now I'm back to work. Woo hoo!