Showing posts with label Doing Something. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doing Something. Show all posts

Friday, January 23, 2009

The News

I've been busy lately. One of the things that occurred was that I reported someone to a news station and this happened:

This clip cuts off the story early. I was actually on the news and if I find a better version I will post it but for now if you want the whole story you can view it on the news website here.

UPDATE: Gary found the link for me. GO HERE TO WATCH.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Pink Month!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I want to ask all you lovely readers to look out for yourselves and the ladies in your lives. Early detection is important so make sure you get your exams and stay on top of it. An easy way to remember is with an Early Detection Plan. Go sign up and they will inform you via phone, rss reader, text, or e-mail, whenever your next appointment should be and what you should do next. It's that easy! Go ahead and do it. I'll wait here.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Run Away Rhyme

Hello Darlings,

I'm going to make an effort to start posting more frequently. I never feel inspired to talk about anything these days and I think it's because I'm not in the swing of things. So this post is going to have to be a stream of conscious, confusing mess of whatever flies through my brain.

Currently I'm sitting on my floor drinking Pellegrino and wondering why Sarah Jessica's voice is so annoying. I really shouldn't blame the actress. It's that annoying Carrie character. I'm turning off the TV. Good. Now I'm saving my ear drums and conserving energy.

Speaking of conserving, earlier today I was thinking I should get a bike. I have no place to put it in my apartment but if feels like the right thing to do. Then again, I take public transit so I'm not really helping anything by biking. I'm pretty sure my carbon footprint isn't bad but I feel like I should be doing more.

I think I have become addicted to Flax seeds. You are supposed to take them as a daily supplement so you can't over do it. I really like them. If I could I would eat a bag in one day. I don't because I'm afraid they will act as a laxative. Maybe I should go buy some sunflower seeds to be on the safe side. Who craves seeds? Oh crap, I have something in common with birds. I hate birds.

I'm going to go crawl into bed now and read some Faulkner. I just started "As I Lay Dying" which is interesting so far. I'm having trouble deciphering what the relationships of the characters are so I know I'll have to go back and reread a few parts. Regardless, he has my attention. Fair thee well my friends. Or is it fare? I don't know and I don't care. On that sad rhyme I must hit post and run away.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy 2008 Y'all

Does anyone find the end of another year as depressing as I do? I never worry about getting older but when everybody stands staring at a clock talking about resolutions I start getting a little down on myself. It wasn't always this way but at this point in my life I'm wondering what I should attempt to accomplish this year. I don't think I did much last year and I'm feeling kind of useless. I don't much believe in resolutions so I'm making a list of goals for the year. I figure now is as good a time as any. In no particular order here goes:
1) Find a way to spend my working hours doing something that benefits society rather than something that drains it.
2) Go to Europe. (I'm keeping this vague.)
3) Get my physical and mental health in order. (I've been working on this one for awhile.)
4) Find my creative outlet(s).
5) Do something that makes me proud of me.
6) Find more friends like the ones I have because they are pretty f'n amazing.

I'm going to have to stop here. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for many things in my life. I am a blessed person with a wonderful support system. I guess I'm just disappointed in myself lately. It's most definitely time for change. A big change. I might as well start right now instead of blogging, huh?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Perfect Gift

I got an e-mail today with this link.

It is the ultimate gift but the idea arrived a little too late this year. I think next year I'll get this for everyone. Maybe I'll even start my own company dedicated to this kind of service.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Impending Doom

I have that sort of feeling today. Makes you shaky. Thankfully I'm usually wrong about this and have zero prophetic abilities. Maybe it's just the "October feeling".

Yesterday I joined a gym and I am very excited about it. I forgot that I actually like them. Of course I will enjoy running more if you put me in front of a TV. Suddenly you feel productive. It's been a long time since I enjoyed a sauna as well. I checked out a few gyms in the process and noticed that the more expensive places had locker rooms full of naked people and the cheaper I didn't even see a sports bra. Odd.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

In an Up-Swing

Life is good my friends. Take in that Autumn-is-a-comin' air and let it hit the bottom of your lungs. You're alive damnit and even though most of us are bitterly stuck in an office all freakin day we still have options. There are things to learn, people to meet, revelations, revolutions, conversations, dinners, projects, creations, and by Jebus I'm going to live it! Anybody else feel like doing something? Anything? Anytime? I'm up for it all. I feel talkative and I'm looking for some inspiration. Join me in my manic state!

P.S. Darla, where did you go?

Friday, September 14, 2007

A revolution

A post card on PostSecret hit home... once again. Something always does I suppose and that is why I love checking the site every week. This week I saw a card about the possibility of a peaceful revolution.

This popped out at me because it is something I have been pondering a lot lately. Is it possible? If enough people stand up will it work? Originally there were two e-mail responses posted but they have since been removed. I'm reposting:

-----Email Message-----
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 9:55 AM
Subject: peaceful revolution

For encouragement on a peaceful revolution, read about the Filipino Revolution of 1986. Four days, no bloodshed and the existing government was still overturned.

-----Email Message-----
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 4:39 AM
Subject: peaceful revolution

In Portugal we had, in 1974, a peaceful revolution. It is known as "the 25th of April" or "The Carnation Revolution".

It's worth knowing that there is something we can do. Who is with me? How do we start?