Showing posts with label Tea Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tea Party. Show all posts

Friday, September 17, 2010

THYME Magazine

Citizen Journalism with a Better Flavor

Volume II, Issue XXXVIII

Tea Party Time!

The 'other' Weekly News Magazine [click to read] is quick to dismiss it as a Conservative surge overtaking the Republican party [the era of Reagan is over, remember]. Not so fast, something much bigger is playing out here.

When Barack Obama won the presidency in 2008, he promised a more open government that would not run up massive deficits. He posed himself as the great reconciler. Then he took office and proceeded to expand the role of government [and government spending] in record time.

The great reconciler proved to be a disciple of Jeremiah Wright and his James Cone Marxism in a Christian wrapper theology. Black Panther party members could intimidate white voters in Philadelphia and the Attorney General would give them a free pass to do so. Arizona tried to protect its citizens from un unsecure Southern border and Eric Holder hauled them into court. The hoped for post-racial society turned into a farce.

Healthcare 'reform' consists of 2000+ pages that "we have to pass to see what's in it." 16000 new IRS agents are written into the bill to 'redistribute' wealth.

The same people who raise a hue and cry every time someone suggests private accounts [with actual money in them] as part of Social Security had no problem gutting their own Medicare program to make their 'Healthcare' plan deficit neutral.

Is it any wonder people are fed up? Look at the surge of new people seeking seats in government. People like Doctor Rand Paul and a host of business people as well.

I have a feeling Thomas Jefferson would love what is happening!

What's Really Happening

Here's a Sampler from Erick Erickson:

1. Wall Street Journal: RedState Winner in 2010 Primaries
2. Constitution Day: What Does the Constitution Say About Health Care?
3. Repealing the ban on the common light bulb
4. Rick Boucher (D, VA-09) buys new car with campaign money.
5. NY Dem Weiner: Health care 'bill and I are one'
6. Who Dares To Be The Next Democrat Defection on Obamacare Repeal?
7. Only 31 House Democrats Willing to Offer Soft Support for Small Businesses

Meet the New Congress

World Magazine [click to read] offers a host of ordinary citizens who are stepping up to the plate.

Meet the New Democrat Logo

See it at No Sheeples Here [click to read].

Thursday, July 15, 2010

NAACP, Meet My Tea Party 'Dream Team'

When a Resolution is a Lie You Ruin Your Credibility

Star Parker (photo: Center for Urban Renewal and Education)

The NAACP has now passed a resolution denouncing the 'tea partiers' as racist bigots. As a tea party kind of person, I'd like to present a Tea Party the NAACP ought to be able to embrace. These people think for themselves and some like keynote speaker Star Parker have worked their way out of a system that quite honestly has failed miserably in the service of the minorities it purports to serve. So stop whining about them selling out or that there aren't enough of them. Their ranks are growing. They write pretty good books. I like to think they represent the future of Conservative leadership in America.

So here is my dream team... a group of people with sound wisdom and greatly respected by many in the tea party movement:

Star Parker
Walter E. Williams
Thomas Sowell
Justice Clarence Thomas
Alan Keyes
Larry Elder
Kay Coles James
James [Bo Snerdly] Golden

Just imagine this powerful line-up of speakers greeting you from the West Front of the Capitol... and dare to Dream!

"It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government." -- Thomas Paine

A New Emerging Black Leadership [click to read].

A Roadmap for American Renewal [click to read].

Is it Racist to Criticize Greece? [click to read].

"As much as those on the left want to portray tea partiers as right wing nut cases, or as racists, truth is these are rational, clear thinking Americans who see our beloved nation being wrecked. They are serving as an early warning system that the things Americans hold most dear are in danger." -- Star Parker, Keynote Speaker at the 'Dream Team Tea Party.'

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tea Party - The Left Doesn't Get It

Some Straight Talk from Larry Elder

Larry Elder [click to read] in Jewish World Review talks about the Left's inability to understand what's happening with the American people.

Bob Tyrell [click to read] on Tea Partyers, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Clinton.

"A long-standing conceit of American liberals has been to lecture conservatives on how to conduct themselves. They are famous for telling us what we can and cannot say. They tell us we cannot call them socialists even when they take over industries and transform the federal budget into a simulacrum of European social democracy. Yet they can call us racists and enemies of the poor when we advance alternatives to such failed policies as affirmative action or welfare. In fact, much of the liberals' stance toward conservatives in our ongoing dialogue with them is an insult. The most recent politician to dabble in race-baiting was not a conservative, but Bill Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primaries."

If this is supposed to be an angry racist mob...

...then why is everyone I meet at these gatherings...

12/15/09 nice?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thank You, President Obama

You're Skills as a Community Organizer Paid Off

When a starfish loses a leg it grows a new one.

Andrew Breitbart got up to speak at the National Tax Day Tea Party. He remarked that President Obama had just spoken in Miami at one of those thousands of dollars a plate fundraisers for big Democrat supporters [$30,400-per-couple] [1]. Touting his "middle class tax cuts" and other "promises" he's "kept," he had said the following:

"And so I've been a little amused over the past couple of days where people have been having these rallies about taxes, taxes," Obama said. "You would think they'd be saying, 'Thank you!'"

So, I really think it's time to say "thank you, Mr. President."

Let Me explain...

Riding up on the bus from Culpeper to Washington we were joined by Richard Viguerie, who has decades of experience electing Conservative candidates. He talked with wonder about the "leaderless" Tea Party movement that Mr. Obama has almost single handedly brought to life.

"For years I've been wanting to see this" Viguerie stated. The problem is not Reid, Pelosi and Obama but the vacuum that our inaction has allowed that permits them to exist. He went on to tell us the story of the Spider and the Starfish:

Cut off the leg of a starfish, it will grow another one. Cut off the head of a spider and you have no more spider. When the Spanish Conqistadores arrived in America they met Montezuma, head of the Aztec Nation. Once they did away with Montezuma the Aztecs were soon no more. The Incas presented a similar challenge. They too fell to the Spaniards.

The Apache Nation, on the other hand was to prove unconquerable. There was no single leader to eliminate. Thus the Apaches resisted Spanish rule successfully for many years.

That, Mr. Viguerie said, is our strength. Alost spontaniously this movement has come to life and it has many creative voices. It's no Astroturf, it's a Prairie Fire! For years, beginning with the Goldwater Campaign, Viguere dreamed of creating a self-energizing popular Conservatism. His direct-mail campaigns brilliantly presented men like Ronald Reagan and helped elect them.

Reagan proved to be one of the few who could keep the message in front of the people. Republicans lost their unique message and lost their mandate to govern in the process.

So Thank You, President Obama, for inspiring so many of us to stand up and do our part to preserve this great and precious gift... America!

Tax Day Tea Party at the Monument

Patriots Assemble in Washington April 15, 2010

The United States Capitol.

Virginia Rally
Virginia Sovereignty Rally at the Capitol.

Virginia Rally
Real authority recognized.

Virginia Rally
Richard Viguerie: "You are the leadership you are looking for."

Monument Crowd
The Crowd at the Washington Monument.

Monument Crowd
As evening descends we hear inspiring talks from Michele Bachman, Andrew Breitbart, Lord Christopher Monckton and many more.

Lord Monckton
Lord Monckton on the Jumbotron.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tax Day Tea Party Information Kiosk III

Richmond Tea Party Tax Day Rally

Virginia State Capitol.

The day has finally arrived!

We hope you are coming and bringing all your friends, neighbors and co-workers. Please don't miss this amazing event.

Don't let Congress think you have given up after 12 months of fighting. Let's show every politician we are committed for the long haul! Come hear what we are about, what we have accomplished, and what we have planned for 2010!

Here are all the logistics you need.

Kanawha Plaza [click for map] (8th and Canal)Downtown Richmond
5:30 - 6:30pm Music
6:30 - 8:00pm Rally

MUCH louder sound system, porta potties on site this year, and the entire evening is FREE! We will be giving away some free RTP shirts. Be there or be square! Bring the family!
Some of our speakers for Tax Day Rally!

Doc Thompson of WRVA RadioMatt Whitworth of VCUChris Kinsel of American Family Radio
Joe Guarino, RTP Legislative ChairmanDonna Holt of Virginia 10th Amendment Revolution
Colleen Owens, RTP Activist and Tax Day Chairwoman
Patrick McSweeney, Constitutional LawyerChuck Hansen, Motivational Speaker and Columnist
Karen Cooper, Richmond Tea Party Activist
Rich Nielsen, Small business owner
Gilbert Wilkerson, RTP Board Member
Charles Payne, FOX Business News

Tea Party Code of Conduct [click to read]. ht/Richmond Tea Party

Staunton April 15th Rally:
Gypsy Hill Park Bandstand Area-5:30-7:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m. Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance, and Invocation
5:40 p.m. Kate Obenshain (Likely topic is corruption)
6:00 p.m. Warren Grant (The Constitution)
6:25 p.m. Dr. Jim Grichar (America's Fiscal Crisis)
6:45 p.m. Charles Kraut (Natural rights vs. Human rights)
7:00 p.m. Ben Marchi (Health Care Reform and other key issues)
7:15 p.m. Former Governor George Allen
7:30 p.m. Closing Message ht/Phil

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tax Day Tea Party Information Kiosk II

Virginia Sovereignty March Rally4:30 PM at US Capitol

We will deliver signed copies of the Sovereignty letter from the VA Legislature and signed copies of the Virginia Healthcare Freedom Act to several US Congressmen from Virginia
Copies will also be delivered for President Barack Obama, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority leader Harry Reid.

Members of US Congress, Richard Viguerie and Virginia government leaders who had a part in enacting HB10 Healthcare Freedom Act will address us from 5 to 6 PM.

Constitutional Tea Party [click to read] has details.

There is Limited Seating [click to read] on a FREE bus from Culpeper to Washington. When I called to get on the bus they had about 20 seats left. Act fast and don't miss this great opportunity.

Constitutional TEA Party
April 15th TEA Party Rally
Yowell Meadows Park Culpeper, VA
SPEAKER: Michael Farris
HSLDA Home School Legal Defense head and Chancellor of Patrick Henry College will speak on the Sovereignty of the US at 12 Noon
Rally will be from 12:00-2:00

September 12, 2009 at the US Capitol.

Monday, March 29, 2010

'Tempest in a Tea Party'

People Seem to Forget America Started as a Tax Protest!

September 12, 2009 at the Capitol Reflecting Pool.

Bracing Brew [click to read] by Myron Magnet in City Journal.

Therefore, when a government invades rather than safeguards property through taxation without consent, it cancels its own legitimacy. -- George Mason

Saturday, March 20, 2010

30,000 Gather to Oppose ObamaCare

March 20 Rally at the Capitol Sends a Clear Message

30,000 turned out to voice their opposition to the legislation and the convoluted methods being promoted for its passage. Tea Party Express photo.

More Photos [click to view].
Even More Photos [click to view].

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The View from Nashville...

Governor Palin at the Tea Party Convention

Governor Palin visits the troops in Kuwait. Tonight she thanked the troops and spoke of a positive vision for the people's involvement in changing the direction of our country.

"Let us not get bogged down in the small squabbles; Let us get caught up in the great ideas." -- Governor Sarah Palin, from her address to the convention.

Here's the Entire Speech [click to read] along with great commentary from SWAC Girl.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Another 'Boston Tea Party' is Brewing

It's Not Automatically Ted Kennedy's Seat Anymore

Mark Steyn [click to read] in Jewish World Review comments on the phenomenom.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Pink Slips for Senators Webb and Warner

They are Finally Coming to Town
Here's a Welcome They Won't Forget

Senators Webb and Warner were 'absent' this year when citizens demanded town hall meetings.

They ignored us during the healthcare debate. They voted "absent" when they allowed the monstrosity onto the Senate floor for debate but they're finally coming to Staunton. The Stonewall Jackson Conference Center in downtown Staunton will host the Democratic Party of Virginia Central Committee meeting Saturday, Dec. 5, including Gov. Tim Kaine and Sens. Mark Warner and Jim Webb.

SWAC Girl Suggests We Show Up [click to read] and hand out "pink slips." The meeting is at 10:00am this coming Saturday. The News-Leader says it is open to the public. A lot of us who Senator Warner finds "threatening"[1.] plan to be on hand to protest outside.

Here's a Suggestion to Make It Even More Fun

Why not make the morning even more memorable with a bit of creativity! We're handing out Pink Slips, right? Well, ladies, why not hit the lingere sale at J. C. Penny and pick up a Pink Slip for your Senator? Attach the garment to your sign with the text reading something like this: "What You are doing to our Republic is a scandal, here's your Pink Slip!"

Ignore THAT, MSM!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why it's Time to Retire...

...The U. S. Congress (Continued)

Overrepresented [and some of these are experiencing 'voter's remorse' right now].

Unrepresented [and being largely ignored by those who 'represent' us].

This of course is the 'purple' map from the 2008 election. Blue and red are separated showing the two Americas more clearly.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

America Waking on 09/12/09

A Journey to Washington

This WWII Veteran's sign says it all.

Several generations of patriots representing World War II and every conflict since were present at the march. I rode on the bus with a gentleman who served towards the end of the Vietnam war. Today he is active in helping fellow Veterans and I think he represents thousands more I was unable to meet. We stood shoulder to shoulder at the West Front of the Capitol to reclaim our great country. As I reminded someone yesterday, blood has been shed in opposition to far less oppression than the imposition of socialism will ultimately cause.

Shouldn't our present activism be seen merely as our grateful service to those giants... those great generations who went before us? The preservation of the free Nation they won for us?

Faces of Freedom

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

America Waking on 09/12/09

A Journey to Washington

They packed it in, they packed it out. Protesters left the Mall clean and trash cans overflowing.

An Appalling Lack of Curiosity...

Charlie Gibson was 'unaware' of the protest. He "went sailing" that weekend as hundreds of thousands of everyday citizens made their way to Washington at their own expense to participate in the march. He also was 'unaware' of This Story [click to read] involving ACORN officials counselling an undercover investigator in how to set up a brothel with underaged illegal immigrants and keep the money 'under the table.' Charlie, you MUST be ready to retire!

John Stossel is Leaving ABC [click to read]. Now I don't have ANY reason to watch. ABC excluded Stossel from Obama's heathcare infomercial anyway. He'll be doing an hour show on Fox now. But I've picked on ABC and Gibson long enough. The New York Times [click to read] is also showing an appalling lack of curiosity about ACORN according to Michelle Malkin.

Sean Hannity was mentioning the young filmmakers who outed ACORN and he used the term: "Citizen Journalist." I like it! I know some citizen jounalists too! Lynn [SWAC Girl] is one, David Karaffa [Augusta Conservative] is too. Fishersville Mike, Yankee Phil, please accept your new title compliments of Mr. Hannity. With the old media on life support, 'blogger' just doesn't cut it anymore.

America is awakening. Who is telling her story as she does?

The Media Ignores This at their Own Peril [click to read].

Pictures! [click to view]. There were a LOT of us in Washington Saturday!

Richmond Tea Party at the March [click to watch].

Citizen Journalist Lynn Mitchell [click to read] has these kind words.

Citizen Journalist David Karaffa [click to read] has created some good video.

Conservative Woodstock [click to read] from Looking at the Left.

Photograph of the Crowd [click to view] by Michael A. Beck.

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." –Samuel Adams

Charlie Martin's Updated Crowd Estimate [click to read].

Charlie Gibson was "Off Sailing in Maine" [click to read] "purposely oblivious to all of this" -Fox

Michelle Malkin Previews 'Obamacare' [click to read] and it isn't pretty!

Next [click to continue].

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

America Waking on 09/12/09

A Journey to Washington

Here's the 14th and E Street traffic camera looking down Pennsylvania Avenue. ht/Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin on the Numbers [click to read].

Reason TV at the March [click to watch] from Yankee Phil.

Next [click to continue].

America Waking on 09/12/09

A Journey to Washington

"It is the duty of every patriot to protect his country from its government." -- Thomas Paine



Next [click to continue].

America Waking on 09/12/09

A Journey to Washington

"Yes I Am" his sign says. He 'greeted' us as we entered Pennsylvania Avenue.

South Florida Tea Party sent the Czar of Transparency, the Boob Czar and a Green Czar to replace Van Jones.

Conservative Creativity

Did I tell you we had fun? I don't think I saw a single Brooks Brothers suit [well, maybe the guy running for Congress from Arizona]. The signs were fun, the costumes... you just have to see for yourself! South Florida Tea Party [click to read] sent a whole contingent of 'Czars' and they're going viral as I write. Merylee Golden of the South Florida Tea Party references Saul Alinski's Rules for Radicals [click to read] and writes:

"She's been twittered and tweeted across the Nation! We sure did make Alinksy proud because we covered about 4 Rules at one time which is a fabulous testament to how well Alinsky works no matter what side you are on."

There was a guy dressed as a tea bag, a Congressman in jail stripes and the grim reaper [who had a line of senior citizens waiting to be photographed with him].




Next [click to continue].

Monday, September 14, 2009

America Waking on 09/12/09

A Journey to Washington

The crowd surrounding the Capitol Reflecting Pool.

"Prepare to witness great and mighty miracles in your life time."--Glenn Beck

The West Front of the Capitol was already packed with people when we arrived. we managed to find this spot near the reflecting pool and behind us people continued to stream in. Every one in the crowd was motivated by their own concern, anger and love of country to make the journey.

I never saw the speakers' platform. We barely were able to hear the speakers but I especially remember the car dealer from New York who spoke about how the government takeover of the manufacturer had led to his dealership being taken away. Three decades of strong sales and good service to the community was dissolved overnight!

Now we were faced with the government controlling healthcare and an even larger share of the economy. Social Security and Medicare are bankrupt, the Post Office is losing money too. The language of HR3200 provides for expanded role for government in your health care and your health care decisions. Cap and Trade puts more tax burden on industry as it tries to compete with the world. Patrick Henry's worst nightmare seems poised to become reality. The American people have gathered on the National Mall to say "enough!" [to be continued]

SWAC Girl Can't Stop Writing About It Either [click to read].

London Daily Mail Estimates Crowd at One Million [click to read].

"The size of the crowd - by far the biggest protest since the president took office in January - shocked the White House." -- London Daily Mail

A Lady from Australia comments: "After all the first 'tea parties' were ridiculed in by many actors, politicians and the so called main stream media when they hit out the first time, they can't be ignored now. I think that there are many Americans who now regret the way they voted."

Pajamas Media on 'How Big Was The Crowd?' [click to read].

Looking Back: 9 Principles, 12 Values [click to read]. Glenn Beck plants the seed.

Next [click to continue].

America Waking on 09/12/09

A Journey to Washington...

Pennsylvania Avenue! A marcher shares the moment on his cell phone.

The avenue was packed with thousands of marchers! We were able to squeeze in behind a large group of Texans [is that redundant]? Sam Houston and Bigfoot Wallace would be proud! Our voices echoed off the large buildings lining the way. Someone started the song:

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern impassion'd stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America! God mend thine ev'ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev'ry gain divine!

O Beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

-America, The Beautiful Lyrics by Katharine Lee Bates - 1913

We only sang the first stanza. Only 'dangerous' [1.] home schoolers can remember the whole song. They read things like the Constitution too. It was enough to stir my soul. We were on our way to the Capitol!

People pulled out their cell phones and called friends and relatives at home. the feeling in the air was just too big to keep to yourself. I phoned my wife. Every one of us represented many more who wanted to be there. A friend of mine in Williamsburg called me!

Around us were people representing every state in the Union. They were all doing the same thing. The great dome grew closer!

[to be continued]

Clouds breaking over the Capitol.

Next [click to continue].