Showing posts with label Week’s Worth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Week’s Worth. Show all posts

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Week’s Worth: Saturday Double Feature

Seven days of paperback attractions. Click here for the full set.

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, by Alan Sillitoe
(Signet, 1960). Illustration by Barye Phillips.

Saturday Games, by Brown Meggs (Fawcett, 1976). The back cover can be seen here. Illustration by Tom Miller.

(Thanks to Tim Hewitt for the cover art.)

READ MORE:Forgotten Books: Saturday Games, by Brown Meggs” (Ed Gorman’s Blog).

Friday, June 6, 2014

Week’s Worth: Friday

Seven days of paperback attractions. Click here for the full set.

Friday for Death, by Lawrence Lariar (Avon, 1951).
Illustrator unknown.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Week’s Worth: Thursday

Seven days of paperback attractions. Click here for the full set.

The Thursday Turkey Murders, by Craig Rice (Pocket, 1948).
Illustration by William Wirts.

READ MORE:Home Is Where the Corpse Is,” by Jeffrey Marks (January Magazine).

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Week’s Worth: Wednesday

Seven days of paperback attractions. Click here for the full set.

Orange Wednesday, by Leslie Thomas (Dell, 1969).
Illustrator unknown. Back cover here.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Week’s Worth: Tuesday

Seven days of paperback attractions. Click here for the full set.

Die Anytime, After Tuesday, by Carter Brown (Signet, 1969).
Illustration by Robert McGinnis.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Week’s Worth: Monday

Seven days of paperback attractions. Click here for the full set.

Murder on Monday, by Robert Patrick Wilmot (Pocket, 1954). Illustration by George Mayers.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Week’s Worth: Sunday

I noticed recently that I have an abundance of vintage books in my cover-illustration collection that feature days of the week in their titles. So as we storm into yet another busy seven-day stretch, I am going to roll out some of those paperback fronts, one per day. In most cases, I know who created the cover artwork, but occasionally not, so your help in identifying their painters would be appreciated.

Fury on Sunday, by Richard Matheson (Lion, 1953).
Illustrator unknown.