Showing posts with label Victor Olson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victor Olson. Show all posts

Friday, June 11, 2021

Boeckman Title Overdrive

Not unlike the young man who served as the amorous quarry in Velvet Jackpot (Beacon Softcover Library, 1965), this paperback’s cover illustration really got around. Painted by Victor Olson, it had featured previously—and with only minor variations—on two other Beacon releases: 7 Days to Love (1963), by “Colin Johns,” aka John Bentley and Cornelius J. Collins; and What Makes Sherry Love?, by John Burton Thompson (1970). There’s no question about it: that publisher certainly got its money’s worth from artwork purchases.

In case you’re wondering, “Alex Carter” was a pseudonym employed by Charles Boeckman Jr. (1920-2015). Born in San Antonio, Texas, he was a self-taught jazz musician, skilled with both the clarinet and the saxophone. But he was likewise a fast, accurate typist and an enthusiastic tale-spinner, and he dearly wanted to become a short-story writer. So in between playing gigs all across the United States, Boeckman mailed his yarns off to one publication after another. Finally, after collecting numerous rejection letters, he found the first buyer for his fiction in 1945, when he was 25 years old. He went on from there to bat out mystery, suspense, and western stories (mostly under the byline “Charles Beckman Jr.”), his work being picked up by pulp magazines on the order of Manhunt, Justice, Detective Tales, Dime Mystery Magazine, Pursuit, Star Western, and Dime Western. He even saw one of his stories, “Ambition,” adapted as a July 1961 episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents, starring Leslie Nielsen.

In addition to penning bookstore-acceptable novels such as Honky Tonk Girl (1953), which exploited his familiarity with the music world, Boeckman—like Lawrence Block, Donald E. Westlake, and others—fed the fast-growing mid-20th-century market for sleaze-and-scandal fiction, the sort of titles usually tucked beneath newsstand counters. As Alex Carter, he churned out not only Velvet Jackpot, but also Traded Wives (1964, with cover art by Clement Micarelli), Change Partners (1963), They All Ran Naked (1967), Boy-Lover (1963, again boasting a Micarelli-painted front), The Games She Played (1966, with an illustration by George Gross), Sex Around the Clock (1965, offering art by Robert Maguire), and Love Too Soon (1966).

Recent years have brought some renewed interest in Boeckman’s work. In 2011, Borgo Press reprinted Honky Tonk Girl. A couple of years later, a collection of his stories from the western pulps—Saddles, Six-Guns & Shootouts—saw print. And in 2015, Bold Venture Press issued Strictly Poison and Other Stories, gathering together 24 of his pulp magazine contributions.

If you’re interested, the late Bill Crider featured in his blog this 22-minute videotaped conversation between Boeckman and fellow author Talmage Powell “sitting in Powell's back yard in Asheville, North Carolina, around 1995 and discussing pulp magazines, digests, paperbacks, writing, and writers.” Great fun!

UPDATE: What do you know, a few months after writing this post, I discovered two more of Boeckman’s “Alex Carter” novels: The Affair (Beacon, 1965) and Nice Girls Finish Last (Beacon Signal, 1964). Unfortunately, in neither case is the cover artist identified.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Duped: “7 Days to Love”

The latest installment in Killer Covers’ “haven’t we seen this front someplace before?” series. Previous entries are here.

Above: 7 Days to Love, by “Colin Johns,” aka John Bentley and Cornelius J. Collins (Beacon Signal, 1963). You can see the back cover here. Below: What Makes Sherry Love? by John Burton Thompson (Softcover Library, 1970). The front cover illustration used on both books is credited to Victor Olson.

READ MORE:Boeckman Title Overdrive,” by J. Kingston Pierce
(Killer Covers).

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Another Look: “Fast One”

Warning: Artistic inspiration drawn from book titles may vary.

Left: Fast One, by “Paul Cain,” aka George Caryl Sims (Avon, 1952); cover art by Victor Olson. Right: Fast One (Fawcett Popular Library, 1980); cover illustrator unidentified.

READ MORE:The Incomplete Cain,” by Boris Dralyuk (Los Angeles Review of Books).

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

A Last Blast of Summer Delights

It seems there’s no end to the number of interesting, provocative, and downright amusing book fronts boasting a summertime or at least a beach theme. In June 2009, I posted in this blog a selection of more than two dozen such covers. Three years ago, I added significantly to that collection, bringing the total number of images up to 91. Today, I have 39 more to present, most of them suggesting that this season of sun is also a ripe season for sin.

Among the artists represented in this adjunct gallery are Robert McGinnis (The Limbo Touch, Dark Fury, and the recently talked-about Deadly Welcome), Robert Bonfils (Mix ’n’ Match Mates, Surfside Sex, Sex Is Like Money), Paul Rader (Blanket Party/Sultry Summer, Island of Sin), Glen Orbik (Scratch One), Fred Fixler (Two Way Beach Girl), Robert Maguire (Love Under Capricorn, Ah King), James Meese (The Dangerous One), Harry Schaare (Jungle Heat), Bill Edwards (Youth Against Obscenity), Robert Heindel (The Beach House), Mitchell Hooks (Hot Winds of Summer), Victor Olson (The Harem, Summer Set/Available), Michael Codd (The Last Night of Summer), and Richard Powers (Summer in Salandar).

Click on any of the covers here to open an enlargement.