The game seems to be quite anthropocentric so hardcore
Grotbags' apprentice is Snozzrot, a "mighty goblin sorcerer". He carries a dagger and a bulky moon-headed staff that he claims makes him a more powerful spellcaster but probably just makes him an easier target.
Bazz, Chazz, Gazz, and Wazz are Snozzrot's thuggish cousins and used to spend all their time bullying him. Now that he's a "mighty goblin sorcerer" they are hanging around on the off chance he finds some treasure.
Robbo and Orkeye are supposed to provide long range support but are not averse to using goblins as target practice should the opportunity arise.
Choppa was encountered one day trying to head-butt a rock to death; Grotbags saw potential in the
Fido is Grotbag's pet, er, "warhound" and just wants to play.
I have no idea how this will work in play. I suspect the barbarian and warhound are wastes of gold but barbarians are always fun and I couldn't resist that squig miniature. I've gone for area control and buffing magic, with only a couple of direct damage spells, and this may end up a mistake, but we'll see how it goes.