Showing posts with label icing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label icing. Show all posts

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Super Pink

hi, hi~ i hope your weekend has been well so far :)

here's a mani i did a few hours ago..

i mashed up a whole bunch of pink polishes & design for this. since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, i wanted to sport a fully pink mani. [& October is also Depression Awareness month so i plan to do a fully green mani too.]

i honestly dont remember what polishes i i wont even try to name em. sorry~

i THINK i know which polishes i used..since i left a biggo pile on my computer desk =P lets see.. from left to right, from thumb to thumb..:

Icing Paparazzi with 2 hot pink glitters; China Glaze Something Sweet for the tip & CG Rich & Famous [& black polish] for the cheetah print; Wet 'n Wild True Love, Essence Sweet As Candy, OPI Elephantastic Pink + CG Something Sweet for the dots. then we have... Color Club Angels N' Pink, CG Something Sweet + white lines, China Glaze Sugar High, China Glaze Rich & Famous + glitters, & Essie Beach Party.

wheph! i think thats right! =P

anyway, i have a mini story to share today.

i’ve been waiting for my package to come in allllllll week! and my brothers missed the mail man today & so i got this notice instead. right after i found the notice, i drove straight to the post office in hopes to pick it up before the post office closed at 2pm… but the package wasnt back from the mail man yet so now i have to wait til Monday to get my package. daaaaaamn. it was a bad ass package of nail stuff & i wanted to play with my new stuff. shiiiiiiiiiet. - - - but i guess i can wait til Monday morning.

thats it for me!
have a great rest of the wkd!,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

tired & [un]inspired

Happy Wednesday!~

today is a beautiful day--the sun is out & its pretty warm, contrary to yesterdays dark, gloomy weather. sucks that i have to go work in a while..

so yesterday i was in a pretty bad mood & i wanted to paint my nails. but i've been feeling uninspired i spent almost an hour looking at nail art on flickr & tumblr & on blogs. i think i ended up liking 4 designs..? -__- anyway, when i started doing my nails [around 10pm] i didnt like it so i redid it..and started a new mani around 11pm. i didnt finish til about 1am...? i was so tired & i free-handed everythingggg [so it took much longer]...but i guess my nails turned out pretty good...

my middle finger was inspired by Emerald Sparkled's post. from there, the rest of my nails were inspired by random tumblr posts...and some that i made up during the night.. =P

the polishes i used: China Glaze Flyin' High, Sally Hansen White On, Nina Ultra Pro Black, Icing Golden Child, & Pure Ice Magic.

i honestly didnt even know i had Golden Child & Magic [which is the copper-y polish]. thank goodness im on my "no buying nail polish week" cause theres all these pretty polishes i have & have never used! haha speaking of my "no buying nail polish" thing..i think its going pretty well. its already Wednesday & i've not bought one polish =) BUT! i have a running OUT of my basecoat...if i go buy a new bottle basecoat, will that break my polish ban? cause i dont have any more basecoat...ah! what to do! o__O

oh, by the way, "Tired & Uninspired" is the title of a song by My American Heart. i love watching AJ Rafael on youtube & here is his cover of Tired & Uninspired with Jesse Barrera (who is in My American Heart).

dont forget to enter my Favorites Giveaway =)

enjoy your day!,