Showing posts with label Color Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Color Club. Show all posts

Monday, November 17, 2014

February 2014 Manis;


I'm back with another post of my past manis! Here's what I was sporting back in February :)

This Stone Stud mani was one of my first manis back in February.

2 coats of Color Club’s Blue Heaven~ Photos do no justice and apologies on the lobster hands.

My Valentine's Day mani.

Glitter half-moons! ... uhm, not sure what polishes I used here. But my top coat smudged my polish T_T

A close-up ..

This summer seashell mani.

And probably my favorite of the month, this zig zag (chevron) mani that was inspired by my phone case. Again, not sure which polishes I used here.

That sums up my manis from February. I'll be back with my March manis soon :)

Hope you have a great Monday and week~

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mani Catch Up

hello, hello! its time to play catch up on manis again! :P

alright, first, from 2 weeks ago, i bring you...

3 coats of Color Club's Wild And Willing. the polish looks so much prettier in the bottle. its a copper/pink/burnt orange duochrome.

here's a picture in the shade; the duochrome-ness is more visible. the stamps are from Born Pretty Store's m14 & Konad's m69. on the middle finger, i layered one coat of Sinful Colors' Pearl Harbor. its barely noticeable though.

3 coats of Orly's famous Space Cadet. is there anyone else who doesnt love Space Cadet? cause really, i DO NOT like it. *shrugs.

shade picture; more visible duochrome-ness again. stamps are used from the same plates as i mentioned before. and the middle finger is, also, layered in one coat of SC Pearl Harbor.

*side note; eww. i hate my nails that long T__T

here is my first Ruffian mani from some time last week..

2 coats of Zoya's Trixie & 2 coats of Sally Hansen's Black Out & one coat of China Glaze's Matte Magic. - - - this picture was taken after 2 days of you can see all the scratches & fuglies on my nails =/

another mani from some time last week,

3 coats of China Glaze's Mrs. Claus. omg, so cute! i loooove this one~!

and today, i am wearing some fake nails;

i found these Broadway Fashion Diva fake nails at Walgreens for $3.19 so i bought em. i love the chrome / metallic / mirror look but i HATE it on my nails. they make my nails look so wide :( well, after this post, im probably gunna take em off anyway :P

dont forget, my Woo Hoo Giveaway ends this upcoming Sunday! so feel free to enter if you havent yet!

hmm - i think this is it for now. hope you had a great weekend & have a great start to your week!


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Super Pink

hi, hi~ i hope your weekend has been well so far :)

here's a mani i did a few hours ago..

i mashed up a whole bunch of pink polishes & design for this. since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, i wanted to sport a fully pink mani. [& October is also Depression Awareness month so i plan to do a fully green mani too.]

i honestly dont remember what polishes i i wont even try to name em. sorry~

i THINK i know which polishes i used..since i left a biggo pile on my computer desk =P lets see.. from left to right, from thumb to thumb..:

Icing Paparazzi with 2 hot pink glitters; China Glaze Something Sweet for the tip & CG Rich & Famous [& black polish] for the cheetah print; Wet 'n Wild True Love, Essence Sweet As Candy, OPI Elephantastic Pink + CG Something Sweet for the dots. then we have... Color Club Angels N' Pink, CG Something Sweet + white lines, China Glaze Sugar High, China Glaze Rich & Famous + glitters, & Essie Beach Party.

wheph! i think thats right! =P

anyway, i have a mini story to share today.

i’ve been waiting for my package to come in allllllll week! and my brothers missed the mail man today & so i got this notice instead. right after i found the notice, i drove straight to the post office in hopes to pick it up before the post office closed at 2pm… but the package wasnt back from the mail man yet so now i have to wait til Monday to get my package. daaaaaamn. it was a bad ass package of nail stuff & i wanted to play with my new stuff. shiiiiiiiiiet. - - - but i guess i can wait til Monday morning.

thats it for me!
have a great rest of the wkd!,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Color Club Manis

hi!~ its been a few days since my last post, i hope you've all been doing well :) the week is already halfway over! *yay

i dont have much to share today but its ok because im behind on my studying, so im behind on painting my nails, and so thats why im behind on posting this blogpost =P

*click on the picture to see the full awesomeness! a link will automatically open up in a new screen.*
i think this was two coats of Color Club's Worth The Risque. this polish came out in the same collection as Revvvolution. Revvvolution remains as my favorite holo and Magic Attraction is still my second favorite.

*click on the picture to see the full awesomeness! a link will automatically open up in a new screen.*
another angle of my nails; the holo-ness is pretty awesome. personal opinion..since the silver is already really dominant in the polish, the holo doesnt really outshine it. its still pretty though =)

*click on the picture to see the full awesomeness! a link will automatically open up in a new screen.*
after two days of just wearing Worth The Risque, i konaded a zebra print onto my ring finger since i was too lazy to free-hand it =P

here's three coats of Color Clubs High Society. two coats would've been fine but i did three cause i was too sleepy while i was doing this mani =P on the nails, the color is a lot darker than it is when its on the bottle... which was kinda disappointing but its still a pretty color. uhm, i was out of ideas so i combined my favorites - dots, stripes, and flowers - all into this one design. guess it kinda worked out =P

alright, gotta get back to studying!

enjoy the rest of your week!,

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Revvvolution + Tag

its Tuesday! woohoo! lets start today with another tag.

thanks to Jennifer of ♔ jennifer's blog ♥ ~ hugs&kisses for tagging me!

The Rules:
1. Post who gave you this award
2. State 10 things you like
3. Give this award to 10 other bloggers and notify them with a comment

10 Things I Like:
- coffee. i cant go a day without drinking my cup of coffee. addict, i know :)
- sleep. although i feel like im always lacking sleep, i prefer sleeping over lots of things!
- food. this girl, right here, LOVES eating. im always up for trying new things.
- volleyball. even though i keep saying im gunna quit playing, i really dont want to. =P
- kpop. i love my kpop music :)
- twitter. i LOVE twitter. im alwayssss on it! haha
- family. they annoy & piss me off SO much..but i love em.
- chillin. i really enjoy a day where i sit around & do nothing. those days are my favorites <3
- swings. i LOOOVE swinging. its been my favorite since foreverrr!~
- nail polishes. of course i didnt forget those :D

My Tags:
- Cel
- Katherine
- Allison
- Karen
- Becky
- Ping
- Steph
- Shazzii

& anyone else who hasnt done this :)

- - - - - - -

onto nails.. so i finally picked up my first three bottles of Color Club about 2 or 3 weeks ago. i first tried Revvvolution and i fell in love with it! oh my gosh. it is GORGEOUS! i've always read a lot about it on blogs so when i found it, i decided to pick up a bottle for myself.

oh, and click on the pictures to see the full awesomeness! a link will automatically open up in a new screen.

look at that holo-goodness <3 Revvvolution is a black holo polish. its pure love!

this is Revvvolution in the shade. not as awesome..but once it hits sunlight..

AMAZING!!! i seriously LOVE this polish :)

once again, these pictures were taken with my phones camera. im soooo impressed that my phone was able to pick up the holo-awesomeness of the polish! i love my phone!! haha

- - - - - - -

so, im super excited for Thursday! im working today & tomorrow and then im off work until next Thursday!!! a full week off! woohoo!!! :) this weekend is all planned out but hopefully i'll be able to swatch some stuff next week. my cousin & her husband are coming up from South Carolina to visit so we're gunna spend the whole weekend with them. we're off to Cedar Point on Friday & then we're going shopping Saturday & maybe the beach on Monday. it'll be fun ;)

i'll be back to post one more time this week before i take the weekend off. haha

have a great day!,

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

IM BACK! + Fruit Fimo Mani

yay! im back! its almost been 3!

i posted a blog post last week or something & then all of a sudden, it disappeared! totally weird! so i'll just recap last weeks post right now;

since my computer broke [3 weeks ago] - - i have been slacking on nail art & all. honestly, it got so bad that when i went to repaint my nails one night, my hands were super shaky & unsteady. and i was just trying to paint my nails, no fancy nail art! it was quite sad =/ i also mentioned in my last post that disappeared that i havent been up to date with blogs. i started slacking & i wasnt reading blogs much. sorry! but i will say that i've been digging through old posts..trying to catch up! theres a lot that a girl misses in 3 weeks, ya know!? haha im trying though =P so now that im slowly trying to catch up, i'll be commenting your blogs again!

while i was out, i did manage to pick up a few polishes. here's my hauls:

in my last post [the one from the 12th of July], i mentioned that i picked up OPI's Rumples Wiggin, Who The Shrek Are You?, & Heart Throb.

OPI's You Don't Know Jacques! Suede & My Private Jet. i also picked up my first three Color Club polishes; Angels N' Pink, Take Me To Your Chateau, & Revvvolution.

Orly's Glam, China Glaze's Yellow Polka Dot Bikini & VII, and Essie's Red Nouveau & Van D'Go.

Pure Ice's Free Spirit, Nicole's Imagine If..., Savvy Femme Couture's Magic Pumpkin & Fairy Twinkle.

Revlon's Silver, a Meijer's Mood Struck polish, & Confetti's Pink Confetti & First Kiss.

i also got a bunch of nail stickers, a glitter thingy from Meijer's, and my package from Viva La Nails finally came in.

since i have much to share with you, i dont wanna throw them all into this post so i'll just post my current mani & then i'll catch you up with everything later on.

sorry for the bad, blurry picture. its too hot outside & im kinda crabby so the heat wasnt making me feel better. haha but here's 3 coats of Wet n Wild's Tropicalia; i've had this polish for almost 2 months so i decided to finally try it out. its such a gorgeous pink-salmon color! for the stripes on my ring finger & thumb, i used two coats of my favorite Sally Hansen White On and then i used acrylic paint to make my colorful stripes. i used my fruit fimo & layered them on my nails. i added a few rhinestones & glitters onto my nails. the green rhinestones & [barely noticable] pink glitter are from my Viva La Nails package. [a review will be coming along soon..]

here's a picture from my phones camera. the pink looks a little darker but you can see the details on my fruit nails better. dude, my phones camera is pretty awesome! it takes great pictures--i think it takes better than my regular camera does. haha

uhm, i think this is it for now. thanks for sticking it out with me. i really did miss you all :)

hope you have been well!,

oh, p.s. i wanna order myself some Konad stuff soon. whats a good site to order from? i've read about a few but i wanna know your opinions too :) thanks!