Showing posts with label nail art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nail art. Show all posts

Sunday, July 19, 2015

BPS Galaxy Nail Wraps;


I received these nail wraps (style 02) from Born Pretty Store recently.

I figured that since my galaxy nails never turn out well, why not order galaxy nail wraps? hahaha :D They are easy to apply as well as to take off. I received so many compliments on my nails while wearing these! :D

Big thanks to Alice of Born Pretty Store. Don't forget, you are always more than welcomed to use my coupon code, KL5X31, & save 10% off your order when you order from Born Pretty Store!~ :)

Have a good one!,

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

BPS Gold Starfish Stud;

Hi! :)

Today, I have a review to share!

I recently received gold starfish studs from Born Pretty Store.

And with the studs, I recreated the infamous beach mani~ The studs are the perfect size! The backs are flat so they lay on the nail comfortably. I also used the 3mm silver seashell studs that I got from BPS, as well as pearls.

I quite like this mani! :D So bright and summer! :)

By the way, I just created an Instagram account specifically for my nails, please feel free to follow -- @katrinasnailblog :)

Big thanks to Alice of Born Pretty Store. Don't forget, you are always more than welcomed to use my coupon code, KL5X31, & save 10% off your order when you order from Born Pretty Store!~ :)

Have a good one!,

Friday, June 19, 2015

July 2014 Manis;


Oh wow, it has been a really long time since I've updated ... whoops! Hope all is well~ Just trying to get back on track with catching up on posting old manis ... :D

inspired by @kgrdnr on IG.

My boyfriend said he would help me find inspiration for my mani by sending pictures to be inspired by. Of course, he loves fishing so he sent me pictures of fishing lures :D

Pineapples! :D

This mani was inspired by my phonecase that was purchased from Milkyway ... Cases?

Guess this is it for now~ If you want up to date manis and to see what I'm up to, follow me on instagram :)

Have a good one!,

Sunday, March 29, 2015

June 2014 Manis;

hey there~

Still trucking along, trying to catch up on my manis from last year. Here are the manis I did last June~

A random skittle mani using the 2-in-1 nail art pen & nail polishes that my (ex) boss got me. The lines aren’t all that clean but it’s not too bad considering the “pen” doesn’t have a brush as the tip.

Matched my nails with the ipad case I got for my mom~

Neon gradient 8)

Terrible aztec designs over my neon gradient.

Mermaid nails inspired by prettyproject.

Leopard print paired with metallic gold and pink~

Guess that's it for June '14!

Have a great one!,

Sunday, February 1, 2015

May 2014 Manis;

hello!~ :)

Hope you're doing well. It is time for another compiled post of my prior manis .. :)

OPI's Push and Shove. 2 coats, I think.

Serum No 5's Luxe So Good and free-handed zebra stripes.

This floral mani~ Which, by the way, when I went onto tumblr to log in one day, it was the picture on the log-in screen :D As pictured below ...


This mani was inspired by marienails_jpn

Part of a nail wheel I did (and still have yet to finish).

This mani, inspired by superflynails, is one of my favorites :D I don't really like the design on my pointer finger nail but ... I sure do love the colors in this mani :)

That's it for May 2014!~ :)

Have a good one!,

Friday, January 16, 2015

April 2014 Manis;

hello!~ :D

Hope you've been well! Time to catch up on manis ... once again :)

Starting April with my Cath Kidston inspired mani~ Essie Cute As A Button as base :D

My sister in law got her nails done and then I painted and put rhinestones on her nails.

Can't go wrong with a leopard print mani :) I used China Glaze Too Yacht To Handle and Studio M's Sex Symbol (the silver glitter).

A pink glitter gradient~

And this mani was inspired by Megan of razonmeg :D

This is it for now, hope you have a great weekend! :D

Have a good one!,

Monday, December 1, 2014

March 2014 Manis;


and happy December! Can't believe it's already December and that the year is almost over! Today, I'm back to share some manis from earlier this year :)

I started March off with this mani.

Followed by this one.

This aztec-y mani was inspired by heynicenails. I used Floss Gloss Con Limon as base.

This was my damage back in March, haha.

A skittle mani with my, then, new China Glaze’s; from left to right, China Glaze - At Vase Value, Metro Pollen-Tin, Petal To The Metal, Grass is Lime Greener, What A Pansy, Too Yacht To Handle, Love’s A Beach, & Lotus Begin.

This watercolor floral mani was inspired by chelseaqueen. Excuse the lobster hand in the first pic.

I went to a Pistons game back in March and was planning on doing a Pistons themed mani … but then I ran out of time. So it looks like I was sporting a ‘Merica mani … hahaha

And that sums up March 2014.

Hope you all had a great weekend and great Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 17, 2014

February 2014 Manis;


I'm back with another post of my past manis! Here's what I was sporting back in February :)

This Stone Stud mani was one of my first manis back in February.

2 coats of Color Club’s Blue Heaven~ Photos do no justice and apologies on the lobster hands.

My Valentine's Day mani.

Glitter half-moons! ... uhm, not sure what polishes I used here. But my top coat smudged my polish T_T

A close-up ..

This summer seashell mani.

And probably my favorite of the month, this zig zag (chevron) mani that was inspired by my phone case. Again, not sure which polishes I used here.

That sums up my manis from February. I'll be back with my March manis soon :)

Hope you have a great Monday and week~

Thursday, November 13, 2014

January 2014 Manis;


Still trying to finish up on posting all my manis ... so here is another post combining all the manis I did earlier this year in January~

I honestly cannot recall what the name of this Orly polish is ... x_x But bits and pieces of this mani were inspired by Nina of Nina Nailed It.

I ended up switching my nail shape to squovals and went with Serum No5’s Friendly Tiffs and Girl’s BFF for this mani.

Terrible florals, haha.

I really don't like it that these are called "negative space" nails. wth. I just really like designs and the fact that there's no base color~ Copped the middle finger design from Nina :D I’m not really into nail stripers … but SERIOUSLY, I love these Orly Instant Artist Water-Based Paint Strippers!

I ended up putting Salon Perfect “floam” polish, Kaboom, over my previous mani, making my nails look so ... thick & full of polish -_-

I wore this adorable mani in January also, and had previously made a post about it here.

Closing off my January 2014 manis, I have this one which was inspired by maya_tempaku.

Wheph! That's more than I remember but hey, now they're all posted, yay!

Hope your week has been going well~
Have a good one!,

Thursday, November 6, 2014

December 2013 Manis;

hi! :D

It's almost been a year since I've done these manis but I haven't had time to post them ... so to catch up on it, I decided to just do a post joining all of the manis I did (and haven't posted) from last December (2013).

This mani was done early last December. Not sure what polishes were used here ...

This is Serum No5’s Snow In Love, LOVE IT! It's perfect for winter and it glows sooo beautifully!

(OMG, this is so messy, I can't believe it! -_-) Essie’s Van D’Go and Serum No5’s Girl’s Gotta Eat.

Ok, this one was from late November of last year but I'm just going to add it to this post too. Serum No5’s Gild Free, ivory base with multi-sized gold glitters & holo glitters, and Friendly Tiffs,a beautiful pastel blue creme with blue microglitters & some-frickin-beautiful-shimmer-that-I-cannot-put-into-words.

And in case you're wondering, this was the mani that I was sporting during Christmas 2013.

I still have lots of manis to catch up on posting ... but at least I'm done with the 2013 manis :D

Have a good one!,