Saturday, March 30, 2019

Boy oh boy

Had a gender reveal ultrasound yesterday.  It's a....
We are super excited and can't wait to meet this little guy!!

There is a video but too big to upload I guess!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Saturday, March 23, 2019

4th of July 2017

4th of July 2017 we did the usual things!  We went to the Kaysville breakfast (which we don't usually do, we usually go out to breakfast).  I struggled to eat because I was having morning sickness that morning.  We went to the parade and then to the bbq at my parents' house.  And of course the fireworks that night.
 Annalisa and Logan

Friday, March 22, 2019

Random things from summer 2017/Settling into our new place

We moved into our new place over Memorial Day weekend 2017.  The kids only had a couple more weeks of school and then it was summer.  Last day of school was a hard one because it was their last day at their old schools and they would be starting at new schools in the fall. 

 Moving in and unpacking boxes can seem like Christmas morning!  Especially when things have been in storage a couple of months!

 Summer was folding laundry and Annalisa wanted to help!  Didn't she do a great job with that red shirt

 2 daddy's girls!

 The view out my kitchen window.  Nice to look at while washing dishes!

 Free summer movies at our local theater!

Hanging out with cousins

 Shoe shopping!  Annalisa found these amazing socks!