Monday, September 16, 2013

Relay For Life

Every year Walgreens participates in the Relay For Life to raise money for the American Cancer Society.  This year they held it at a splash pad.  We all met at the Walgreens' booth and then went to the opening ceremony and then did a lap around the walking path.  Afterward we did another lap as a family and then let the kids' do the splash pad because the water turned off at 8.  


Matt another store manager



First they did the survivor lap for those that had survived cancer

This was the first store manager Karl had ever worked for and his family.


Sheri, one of Karl's employees

Summer's face after enjoying a pink cupcake

This is a really fun splash pad!!





Grandma and Grandpa came to say hi while we were there because this splash pad is right by their house.

After the splash pad we walked around and saw the booths.  It was a fun Friday evening.


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