Thursday, February 28, 2013

Wrapping up February

Wow, with baby's delivery less than 48 hours away, it looks like my blog will be updated before she gets here.  Yay!!
Just wanted to touch on some February highlights that I may have missed.  Summer made this super cute George Washington hat at preschool in honor of president's day.  She also did a Lincoln hat but it was just flat; not one you can wear.  She was wearing the Washington hat and looked so cute I just had to get a picture. 
Turning 9 means that Matthew has switched from the wolf den to the bear den.  The first bear den meeting was on his birthday so he didn't go.  Then the next week it was cancelled so last night was his first time going.  He seemed to enjoy it.
Last week they called us in to speak with a member a of the bishopric.  I thought maybe they were going to release us as cubmasters but they didn't.  They just gave me a second calling as a visiting teaching supervisor.  I think Karl was relieved since he has enjoyed being cubmaster.  This is the first time in years that I have not been released from my calling in either January or February.  Looks like I will officially be in this calling for longer than a year.
Summer loves to hug and kiss my tummy (the baby).  She always asks me where her cheek is.  I tell her we don't know for sure.  When I told her that the baby was upside down in there she thought that was hilarious.  If she is sitting by me she will just randomly start rubbing my stomach, it is pretty cute.  Steven also kisses my tummy good night every night and says "I love you baby"!   It will be fun to see their reactions when she is actually here. 
Last weekend the relief society presidency came over to help clean the house.  This put me out of my comfort zone a little, I prefer to clean my own dirt!  But they do this for all of the new moms before their baby is born.  It is all nice and clean now and all we have to do is maintain it.  I must confess it is nice.  While we did that Karl got the baby's room all painted.   We chose a soft yellow called corn silk and I love the way it turned out.  I don't have any pictures yet, but I will.  Tuesday night Karl had some friends come over to help figure out the crib.  They got it all figured out and it looks good.  I think we are ready.  I just need to do some last minute packing and stuff!!  Can't wait to finally meet this baby!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Matthew!!

Matthew's 9th birthday was on Feb 13, which coincidentally is also my dad's birthday.  Either the Saturday before his birthday we took the kids to play the games at Chuck E. Cheese.   With being so close to the baby's due date the thought of doing a friend party just seemed overwhelming to me so we skipped it this year and did this instead.  We didn't get any food, just played the games.  In the past when we've gotten food the kids don't eat it because they want to play and it is very expensive for mediocre pizza.  So we ate beforehand and just did games.  They had a new pirate one which the boys loved.  The night before his birthday, the kids and I (Karl was working the night shift went to my parents' house so they could give Matt his present. We couldn't go for our usual Sunday dinner at their house that week due to really bad snow.  They gave him two books on science which is something he is really interested in right now.  He wants to be a scientist when he grows up.
On his actual birthday he opened his presents after dad got home from work.  He seemed to love everything.  He was really excited about the money he got from Karl's mom.

After presents we went to KFC (Matt's choice) for dinner.  Then we came home and did cake and ice cream.  Or I guess I should say root beer floats and swiss cake rolls.  Every year I make Matthew a birthday cake and every year all he does is eat the frosting.  He doesn't really like cake.  So this year instead, I asked him what treat he would prefer for his birthday and he wanted swiss cake rolls and root beer floats so that's what we did.  I think the kids loved it!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blue and Gold

We had our Blue and Gold banquet on Feb. 6.  We were supposed to do it closer to the end of the month (last week) but with the baby coming we decided it would be better to do it earlier.  So we juggled things around and were able to move it up.  We were grateful that the other ward was willing to trade days with us.  It went really well.  We had Hawaiian haystacks and cupcakes for dessert.  I did 120 cupcakes.  It took forever!!  We had a lot of awards.
Love these centerpieces.  I found them on pinterest and then our Bear leaders whose family owns a wood shop made it all happen.  They turned out great and came in under budget!  They are awesome!!
Set up of the tables.  We had such a good turnout we had to set up another table at the last minute.  We really appreciated the support.
Front table with the arrow of light.  A man in our ward, Brother Mansfield is huge into scouting and has all this neat stuff.  This tablecloth and arrow of light are his.

He also made us this cool spaceship achievement board, I mentioned it in the post about Jan's pack meeting.

More of his decorative stuff.  That's him behind Karl

 Matthew receiving his awards.  Brother Mansfield help Karl pass them out since I was trying to keep the other two kids from running around.

Steven took the last 2 pictures that's why their blurry.
It was a fun night and truthfully, it was really nice to have it over and done!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Dino musuem and MOA

Karl's mom came into town at the end of January/beginning of February for our niece's baptism.  Karl took that Friday, Feb 1 off of work and we picked the kids up from school a little early, it was early out day anyway so we took them out just a bit early.  Had some lunch on the way down to Provo and then met Karl's brother's family (but not his brother as he was working) and Grandma at the BYU Paleontology Museum.  It wasn't very big but was free and had some cool stuff.


Adam and Steven

 Timmy and Matthew




 Room where they clean and prepare the fossils for display

Summer and Grandma

Summer, Grandma and Rachel

After we were done at the dino museum we went to the Museum of Art (MOA).  They had a superhero exhibit upstairs and an Andy Warhol exhibit downstairs.  First we went to a little children's area in the superhero exhibit where the kids could try on superhero costumes, read books, and write their own comic strip.  I think everyone's favorite was the superman phone booth.  All of the kids were in there several times.  
 Outside the MOA
 The phone booth everyone loved

 Steven with hero Captain America.  Yep that is a severed head he's holding.  Lovely I know!
 Bond, James Bond

 John Wayne

 Oops, this pic is out of order.  Oh well, too lazy to change it!!

After the superhero exhibit we went downstairs to the Andy Warhol exhibit.  Apparently photography was not allowed down there even though there were no signs or anything.  We found this out the hard way when Karl got told off for taking pictures.  We even went back to check and nope it said nothing about photography.  Just no food/drink and no touching.  Oh well!  Here are a few of our contraband pictures!

 These balloons were a display called clouds.  It said you could play with them but be careful not to pop them.  I tried to bypass it so our kids wouldn't see it because I didn't trust them enough to be careful.  But their cousins started playing with them so that didn't work.  Luckily none of the balloons were damaged.

After we left we swung by the creamery so I could get my BYU Creamery chocolate milk fix, best chocolate milk in the world.  Then we went back to Kent and Alicia's house where Grandma treated everyone to pizza.  Kurt's wife Jillayne joined us too but Kurt was out of state interviewing for grad schools.  We had a fun evening.  
The next day we came back for Emma's baptism.  I didn't get any pics because I forgot my camera.  The baptism was beautiful.  Afterward we went to Kent and Alicia's church building for some food and visiting.  We had a good time.  We stopped on the way home at Fazoli's for dinner.  They turned the one here into a Chick-fil-a which we also like but it made it so we don't have a Fazoli's close by anymore.  So it was a fun treat.  We had a good time visiting Grandma while she was here and are excited for her to come back in April.